How did he get there?


Full Member
The explanation is in the guildchat from the first screenshot. I like to jump off the zeppelin before it docks at UC and enjoy the scenic view down using Olaf's All Purpose Shield. As the zepp was making its final turn to dock at the tirisfall glades tower I ran off the front of the zepp and hit the shield, I started floating down but then got caught by the zeppelin again :( I am totally stuck in place, my hearthstone was on cooldown, auto unstick failed and there was no GM about, we ended up recruiting two people from orgrimmar (one from Dancing Bears!) to summon me :D

I asked someone to grab some screenshots as I couldn't see a thing from where I was stuck and wanted to know where exactly I was. As far as I can tell from looking at the shots I must have jumped off the front of the zeppelin just as it was turning and floated down as the side 'tusk' there curved around to meet me and sweep me up. Doubt I can do it again! :D
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