admins ...


Doggin' at a spot near you
admins ...PB update

reply I got from GOAA about PB

A support ticket you submitted been updated. Please log in to your server manager to view the latest status.

the server updates automatically, that's how punkbuster is built

The server that this ticket is in reference to. (=ClanUK= L33T Chimp Assault)

Punkbuster update

Your original support message. Punk buster is now 1.079 how does the server update this ,do we do it or do you?

This is the current status of your ticket. Closed

As support personnel work on your ticket, any comments they may have will show up here. 3/18/2004 6:07:29 PM: Support

the server updates automatically, that's how punkbuster is built
Last edited:


Doggin' at a spot near you
From Evenbalance


Punkbuster should update itself on a running server but there are
things that can stop it from doing so. Mainly routers and firewalls
that block PB from communicating properly. To update it manually you
need to run PBweb locally on the server machine. You need to ask the
GOAA people if they have separate homepaths for each game instance and
separate PB folders. Multiple servers running from the same PB folder
will not update properly.


On Sunday, March 21, 2004, at 08:12 PM, Arthur wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Pb update and leased servers
> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 18:27:35 -0000
> To: <[email protected]>
> We have a leased server with GOAA , and you have updated PB but our
> server hasn�t , my question is , do we update it of does GOAA
> P.S they never answer e-mail