Anyone still in Planetside ?


Full Member
Just got an e-mail from them about the new black ops group (can use any item from any side), and it included some pictures which also showed alot of stuff I didn't recognise. What's been going on in PS land, and any idea if the free play thing will return, cos I'm still not convinced it's a game you should pay as much as they want monthly for


Full Member
I subbed for a couple of months earlier this year, hadn't tried it before so it was fun for a while.

The new stuff they were working on/already put in were kinda fun but nothing amazing.

I'd play it occasionally if it was free but I won't pay monthly as I would get bored fast.

From what I gathered, the problem was that there just weren't enough people playing anymore and as a result of that everyone just piled into Cyssor and got stuck in a three way all day. The pop lock for a continent wasn't even getting reached on Cyssor most nights so that was the only fight you would see.