Can AA be played offline ?


Full Member
We'll be moving this weekend and then no Internet for 2 weeks, just wondering if this can be played offline to get the qualifications which it sounds like you get ?


Doggin' at a spot near you
you can go into "test" mode create your own game and add bots ....this is mainly for practising and can be a pain to type all the console commands which add the bots

...but then theres always the crossword :D
you need to "log" your qualifications which'd mean a net connection...

dunt take that long though

[] basic quals - half hour maybe
-----[at which point you can play on servers]
[] spec forces - bout an hour probably
[] medic - half an hour listening to lectures - few minutes doing the tests, five minutes on the practical
[] getting that 36/37+ marksman score, to release sniper... 25 cups of coffee, 57 cups of tea.