Comic Book Overload


Full Member
Is it just me or has Hollywood gone overboard on producing film adaptations of comic books ?
Just recently we have had X Men (very very good) and Blade 2 (not too bad but not as good as Blade 1).
In the next few weeks we can look forward to Spider-Man...which if they hype is to be believed (and that's not always a good barometer to go by) will be totally amazing.
And beyond that we can look forward to all of these already in production :
X Men 2, Men In Black 2, Daredevil (with ben Affleck ARRGGHH :( ) and The Hulk.
And even beyond THAT there are strong rumours of big screen outings soon for : Wonder Woman, Batman (again), Superman (again), the Black Panther, The Punisher and The Fantastic Four.

If even a quarter of any of these are any good we will be very very lucky.
These aren't even any of my favourite comic characters, now if they made a film version of PREACHER, I would be happy :)


Full Member
Someone should make the watchman, or the original Black Knight. They would be worth watching :)


PVC Love God
There was also From Hell which was based on an Alan Moore comic.

Personally I'd like to see someone like David Cronenbourg do Arkham Asylum or Cages. Failing that a Pulp Fiction type film based on Frank Millers' Sin City series.


Full Member
Other films you can add to the list of recent comic related films are Men in Black,the Matrix, Unbreakable, and just about everything Kevin Smith has made (he also got a cameo in Daredevil, but not as Silent Bob).

Also currently rumoured to be in discussion are are HellBlazer, Matt Wagners Grendel and Mage, Preacher (Start praying Vega, it just might happen) and a hand full of others that i cant remember of the top of my head, if i can remember them i'll post them up later.

One thing though comics and books are fast becomming a major source for movies........and about time to.


Full Member
It's excactly how Holden McNeil says in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back "After the sucess of X Men the movie exect bought up every piece of comic book they could"

Hooray for hollywood I say :)


Full Member
ok, here's a more complete list of comic book movies that are currently being worked on, theres a good chance some of these wil go and sit on the shelf again, however with the box office successes recently there's good odds that they'll be made eventually.

Batman - Year 1
Superman Lives
Xmen 2
Iron Man
Green Arrow


Full Member
A couple more to add to the list of potential comic films are

The Punisher

oh and it turns out that apparently the BBC currently holds the rights to Preacher, so I dread to think of what they'll make of it. I'm hoping that they'll sell the rights if someone offers them enough cash rather than make a bad TV series (I cant see them making a movie)


Mighty Morphin Power Member
they should do a Barry Ween, Boy Genius film.

So long as they kept up the �ber-sarcastic-I-may-only-be-10-but-I-can-kill-you-anytime-I-want chracter and his side kick is just too obsessed with leather to be healthy.

Of course they won't. Movie execs will take one look at the board and get teh wrong idea completely and reset it as a cutesy kiddie film of cast the crew as angst ridden teenagers.

Barry Ween