Cop 5-2 and beyond


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Next stop on the Clanuk-Cop-Chocobo:

Monday 10/07/2006 1900 GMT @ Tower (F-7, Beaucedine Glacier) for the 5-2 Promyvion - Vahzl BCNM fight. After that 5-3, which is pretty HUGE.

Preparation: go easy on teh nabsause, bring meds, mp drinks and all that stuff


Cymru Am Byth!
From what I've heard 5-3 is not a mission we can do in one evening, it consists of quite a few different fights which we'll probably have to take on one at a time over a period of a weeks.

Then again the 5-2 fight should hopefully be a quick "in and out" for us now so we might have time to do some bits of 5-3 afterwards?


Mrs. Scudley
If me and Scud's static gets snoll tzar done this thursday, we're doing 5-3: Tenzen's path (5-3 consists of three paths, Tenzen/Ulmia/Louverance, the longest mission in CoP... someone said that 5-3 alone is as long as all the Zilart Missions... we've only done half of Ulmia so far) on Monday and that can be done as a group thingy (all open NM battles in Pso'Xja/Delkfutt).
Where we are atm:

Since you guys only now have the promy-vazhl bcnm left and that doesn't take very long, any chance we could just group up over the weekend and get it done so from now on we could pair up the two statics on the open fights?


Full Member
Teaming up sounds good, altho what time? The set time we have now seems to work most of the time for our static...

As for doing the BCNM this weekend, i can't say when i'm available for the weekend yet. I'll know more on saturday. However if this weekend doesn't pan out with the BCNM, we can just do it the first hour monday, then team up with your static ?!


Cymru Am Byth!
The problem is there might be a fair bit of running around and grabbing cutscenes after we do the BCNM fight, I've not looked into it yet but I imagine it could take a while to get ready and up to the point where we can join the others.

I'm up for trying to get this done before Monday if possible, I'll need to check tonight when I get home when I'm free over the weekend, I've got a party to go to at some point this weekend (my god son's 1st b-day!) but I can't remember if it's Saturday or Sunday. :p


Mrs. Scudley
nvm, our static can't do anything on Monday anyway (one of the guys is away) so me and Scuds are good for Promy-Vazhl on Monday. :)


Full Member
Next stop on the Clanuk-Cop-Chocobo:

Monday 10/07/2006 1900 GMT @ Tower (F-7, Beaucedine Glacier) for the 5-2 Promyvion - Vahzl BCNM fight.

After winning the fight:
- CS: Beacedine Glacier/three tarutarus/(I-7)

- CS: Bastok Metalworks/Cid/(H-8)

5-3 Ulmia path:
- CS: South San d'Oria/Hinaree/(B-6)
- CS: Port San' d'Oria/zone in
- CS: North San d'Oria/Chasalvige/(L-6)

- CS: Windurst Waters/Kerutoto/(J-8)
- CS: Windurst Walls/Yoran-Oran/(E-9)

- LVL 50 BCNM Boneyard Gully: travel to Attohwa Chasm

Preparation: go easy on teh nabsause, bring meds, mp drinks and all that stuff


Mrs. Scudley
The start cutscenes to Ulmia's path are really long and nice cutscenes, better to let everyone do them in peace rather than try to rush them.


Mrs. Scudley
Oh yah, and for the mithran tracker BCNM, 3xfreeze kills them in one shots. If I can get some parties and get BLM to 50 this week we can do:
setup where we run to arena, one-shot the dark knight Shikaree with 3xfreeze, sleep pets while Fey grabs the dragoon Shikaree and Min grabs the BST and keep them busy while we get spell recast timers up again and one-shot another. Rinse and repeat. No point in killing pets, the BST resummons pet if you kill it and the BCNM ends anyway when the Shikarees die.
The Shikarees *can* be slept once or twice but then they build crazy resistance. Pets can be slept through the whole thing.


Full Member
Next stop on the Clanuk-Cop-Chocobo:

5-3: Monday 17/07/2006 1900 GMT @ start of Attohwa Chasm for the lvl 50 BCNM Boneyard Gully fight. Bring meds, mp drinks and all that stuff.

Preparation: get the following CS's:

- CS: Bastok Metalworks/Cid/(H-8)

5-3 Ulmia path:
- CS: South San d'Oria/Hinaree/(B-6)
- CS: Port San' d'Oria/zone in
- CS: North San d'Oria/Chasalvige/(L-6)

- CS: Windurst Waters/Kerutoto/(J-8) (click 3 times)
- CS: Windurst Walls/Yoran-Oran/(E-9)
