

Onward to WoW
Hi there Cull,i'm just wondering if thats the new ClanUK attitude
ignoring people on Battle-net?


Hernes Son
Erm.. didnt see any messages mate, but tbh was just logged on and keeping chars going for most of today - I.e. AFK a lot of the time. When I was in and out of games quick I wasnt looking for messages coz I thought everyone had given up bar me! Soz if I ignored ya, but wasnt on purpose matey .


Hernes Son
First time I,ve logged in to Diablo for about 3 weeks, just keeping everything ticking over, cant get enthused to play any more. :(


Onward to WoW
Np's Cull,i did send a few msg's,but i started to get you cant accept msg's
or something like that and so could not see you go into your wyrd games :p


Hernes Son
Hmm thats strange, coz I never Squelched ya or went /DND - could be server split, last time I went to change chars I got realm down so I never went back on. Bloody bnet...