

Full Member
If you are thinking of taking up farming, start before Tuesday. Massive nerf inc - yields going down from 3 seeds a run to 1.

You can actually make a good profit seeling back to vendors at the moment, once you get past the first two levels.


Full Member
At present the poor harvests give three seeds when you use the recipe. This is being nerfed so that it will only give one seed. Farming is going to get a lot more expensive.

It will go live Monday morning, I believe, with them bringing patch day forward 24 hours.


Full Member
I was up late because I was testing this last night; it definitely needed a fix. Took me a few hours to figure it out because there was nowhere to read up on it and I hadn't done any crafting before.

The real problem was once you mastered a tier. You then get the option to add additional components to ensure 100% critical results. The biggest problem was at tier 3 - Master Expert Farmer. This tier was producing quite a profit as it used the same fertilizer and water components as tier 1 and 2 (tier 4 uses more expensive components).

Using the extra components is quite expensive - 3 each costing over a silver a piece. But the return it produces is remarkable - roughly 3 times as many 'Fair' results (Fair are what you want - they produce goods at the workbench - poor produce more seeds, fair and poor being the only seen results).

Net result - each batch of 25 Farming processes was giving over 100 silver profit.


Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi /gasp
Thanks for the info and work figuring it out Flight.

Typical though, I go farmer/cook and am on Expert level of each, *just* as they nerf it so you can't make a fortune /sigh