For you number crunchers.

Now I've started playing a melee char more, was wondering about a couple of things. Here's how I currently see the melee combat engine...

In PvE:
Attack checked to see if it misses or not (based on attackers weapon skill).
If it is a valid hit, it checks whether or not it is dodged/parried/blocked (based on target's defence skill + agility + items + racials + ?).
Damage taken calculated, minus armour's absorbtion.

So, to actually dodge/parry/block an attack, it has to be "hit" in the first place. Can't have a warrior with lvl 1 dagger skill attacking, with a macro to switch to a big stonking 2-hander for overpower, since you'll just get a string of misses, not dodges.

Now, in PvP, apparently the defence skill makes no difference at all; it's replaced by characters relative level. Does anyone have any more detailed information on exactly how char levels affect it? Presumably they thought that +defence gear was making tanks too tough, or something (would've thought some system of diminishing returns would've been better, personally), and since most PvP ends up being between lvl 60s anyway, they've essentially just removed the defence skill from PvP.


Full Member
Why dont you like, play a game that takes some skill, and isnt like, just wether you roll a dice good or not.


You still get absorption from armour and stuff, but I think they've flattened the chance to hit curve so level/defence differences aren't such a big deal as in PVE. I think this was done to allow lower levels to stand a chance vs higher levels (ie 2 or 3 50s can take down a 60, rather than the 60 being pretty much unhittable like in PVE).

No number crunch mind, just the crunching of mage bones under my hammer :)