Game set-up in matches


Doggin' at a spot near you
All members of both squads are responsible for treating each other with respect. Global Game Chat will be kept to a minimum. Rude or abusive language will not be tolerated prior to or during the match

Teams sizes MUST be relayed to the opposing side 24 hrs in advance and be posted in match comms. This is to ensure proper server settings and a minimum of delay in starting the match. If a team shows up at a match with more than the posted amount, the extra players will have to rotate in at side change. If a team shows with less than the posted amount, they may play with 3 or more players or they may forfeit the match, unless the opposing team agrees in match comms to allow them to play with a lesser number.

All agreements and arrangements must be posted in match comms. This is to protect you incase the other team denies having made any arrangements with you.

The match will proceed in this manner:

1 setup round
6 match rounds
side change
1 setup round
6 match rounds
(Additional Setup rounds may be needed due to a player disconnecting during the battle.)

The server may start the round while the last player has not had an opportunity to join a side. In this case all players should suicide using the console command and the next round will be the first setup.

During each setup round all players will again select the correct side and make any weapon adjustments as needed. Screenshots will also be taken during the setup round. Once both sides are satisfied that selections have been made all players will use the console command to 'suicide'. Unless the teams are still 'mixed', the following round will be live. Both sides MUST confirm that they understand that the round is live. Only in the event that sides are still mixed will the round not be considered live. Not having a weapon you want is not grounds for a live round to be halted. In the event that at anytime teams become mixed, ALL players will disconnect then reconnect and the process will start over.

Killing one or more opfor during a Setup round will result in a 1 round forfeit loss. If during the same match the offending team kills another opfor during a different Setup round, they will forfeit the match. If the opfor killed any member of your team during the Setup round it will be your teams choice as to whether to go live the next round, or have another Setup round. This choice needs to be made in Global Talk before the experation of time.

No team will fire any weapon for the first 5 seconds of ANY live round. Pulling the pin on a grenade IS considered firing a weapon.

Any player issues that arise after the start of a live round will be considered 'casualties of war' and the round will proceed.

After 6 live rounds have been played ALL players will exit the server then reconnect, using the same procedure noted above, except they will switch sides. There is a 15 minute limit to have your players rejoin for side change. Player substitutions may be made at this time.

Set Up Round Instructions


During each set up round ALL players will raise the F1 screen and take a screenshot.

Screenshot requests will only be made by an admin and must be presented immediately upon an admins request. Screenshots WILL NOT be provided to anyone other than an admin unless approved by both teams.

Screenshots will be held by the player for a minimum of 72 hours. Failure or refusal to take or provide a screenshot when requested will result in the forfeiture of that match by the offending team and possible action taken against the player himself, at the discretion of the admins.

During Setup it is each teams responsibility to check and make sure that all players are on CDC. If a player is not on CDC then he must drop and rejoin the game server with CDC and another setup round will take place. If a team finds out later that a player is not on CDC, but didn't bring it up during a setup round, they cannot dispute this.

Teams must also take this time to make sure that the players on the opfor are on the roster and eliegible to play the match. Once the match goes live this issue cannot be disputed