Heroes Of Might & Magic 4


Full Member
Ohhh it's so close I can nearly see the box with the disks in it.

Release date this Thursday.

But is this the right Forum for it:)


Heroes 3 never managed to work on my new comp, spent ages playing it on my old one though, cant wait for number 4 :D


Tribal Matriarch dude
I am STILL playing 3 and amageddon's blade on this machine, thursday ... hmmm... can I wait THAT long?


Dead Again, I need a Rez
well ok more than a month, i almost killed my cousin it was his fault i started playing it


Can you post here and let me know exactly why you thought it was better, mate? I have a, urm, professional interest and am not amiliar with the series.


Tribal Matriarch dude
The game had minimum spec of 64 meg of RAM and I have 256 BUT I am still running out of RAM a LOT and either crashing out of HOMM4 altogether or rebooting the PC ( lost HOMM about 5 times yesterday but it only rebooted once if that helps).
I run Win XP and it has 3 times so far shrunk the proggy to assign more memory, and I am not running ANYTHING in the background at all, not even most of the stuff that usually comes on at startup.

The first thing I noticed was that the fancy graphics they had added looked ... well... poo:( and that the campaign was .. well ... poo too, I usually run it on the normal setting and let's be right usually the first 3 camaigns are quite easy just to ease you in if you have never played them before, not on HOMM4 , was AGES and 3 tries before I could figure out how to build to win (and YES I had done the tutorial after the first failure) there is bugger all support on the HOMM4 site and nothing at all in the box that was made for EB shelves, the explanation for the spells/ building alignment is none existant and this has dissapointed me a lot.

Alan of course always plays on the highest difficulty available (HE says it's to make the game last longer) He actually did the first campaign yesterday and now I have to stand him saying *BUGGER I LOST AGAIN* for the next 3 weeks 'til he does level 2:p.

I don't know why but I must say I am not as impressed with 4 as I was with 3, I have now played all of them, not like I was just comparing it to 3 alone, 3 was great, 2 was good 1 was brilliant for it's time but 4?

Sorry no gold star it just does not play as nice, movement, heroes, graphics and most of all the fact that I am running a high spec machine and it is still struggling (god help the minimum spec people:() all served a nasty dissapointment to me I'm afraid.


Full Member

Why HoMM3 is better is I believe down to the intricate detail that has gone into HoMM4. The tress are more, detailed, so are the towns, and so is a lot of things....All better. But all that does is show up more the things that aren't good.

In battles some of the monsters are superb when they die, the lepricorns for example disappear into the hats, you start wanting more & more of that to happen, so when the majority just keel over and die, I'm left thinking "Yes, lepricorns dying are great but this isn't & that isn't".

They appear to gone for the detailled looks/graphics, but I'm left with a feeling that they ran out of time before they could do everything.

Everything is also 1024x1024 resolution & 64,000 colour. Would probably be better if things were slighhtly larger (and yes I know you can change the resolution), which I haven't tried yet, so maybe it will be ok.

Don't get me wrong HoMM4 is good, but IMHO not as good as HoMM3.

Not after first impression anyway...That may of course change:)


lol thanks for that mate. do me a favour and post here again in a week or two when you've had more time with it - i'd beinterested to know if you're still feeling the same...


Tribal Matriarch dude
OH GOD! just had a look at the map maker too ... I have never seen one as badly thought out in my life, the screen is either very small and narrow (so small you cannot get a town in full view) or you cannot see the options for items to be placed , drag the grass objects etc to the left of the screen to get a decent view of your "world" and you cannot actually choose any grass objects etc. to place on the bloody thing.I cannot find a zoom out button either so that I CAN view anything.
Compare this to HOMM3 and its nice large view area and it's easy to see/choose item bars on the right of the screen and maybe you will see the main difference between the two games.I know campaigns are a good reason to play BUT you only can play them so much and then you find enjoyment from the multiplayer / singleplayer one-off games, this has been effectively killed off unless a random map generator gets out bloody quick!
I know 3DO do usually produce a random map generator but it is quite a time after game release, we cannot wait that long, people are just not going to work as hard to make decent maps if the interface for doing it is enough to give you a dicky fit.Even Michael thinks the map maker is poo and he usually makes all his castles populated by 1000+ arch angels to make sure he wins:p.