how do i get team speak ????


Full Member
The CUK person running the server is Chick.

I'm not entirely sure how this works, but I expect
a) Full members could just ask Chick or their game GM (with some admin rights) for an account
b) Trial members should probably ask their sponsor to contact Chick or the game GM on their behalf (since sponsors are supposed to keep a track on various rights their sponsoree has).

Apart from that bit of admin, its fairly easy to set up once you have the client.
Once only:-
Just plug in the IP address (no ports required) your username/password/.
(Supplied by chick or your GM)

Each connect:-
You will enter in the lobby
Then drag yourself into the chatroom you wish to be in on Chick's server.

The individual game rooms may have passwords too, but the GM will tell you that.

And then we get into the ECHO problem!
For starters - PLEASE USE HEADPHONES not speakers or we get our chat back thru your speakers -> your mic -> our headphones, which is REALLY disconcerting!!!!

Have fun. It's pretty easy after a few goes.