Ian Mclaren


f00l Mebmer
A level 4 human fighter

19 years old
6'1 tall
240 pounds in wiegth

his hair is a thin blode which is around neck length but its awlays tied back. he has very foucsed looking gery eyes, which when talking to him, are never staying in one place at one time, their always moveing around, looking and things and only the odd time looking at the person he is talking to. He is old a medium or heavy bulid, his muscles are not full developed but he works on them on a weekly bases often adding extra weights into his back when going off adventreuing. He is some what of a shy person, and shys away from crowds and tends not to speak in a group unless spoken to. Oh and hes very new to this drinking lots of achoal so tends to get drunk very quickly.
He is on the other hand, a bloody good shot with a bow. he has always keeps his bow in fine order, each night makeing sure its been well taken care of. And this is what he spends his gold on, when he has enough gold, he goes out and buys a knew and better bow. But he does'nt trade in his old, he tends to store them else were.


Rogue Chimp
TXT version ofchar sheet

Not perfect ill get an html version uploaded somewhere an link it


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