Latest Tradeskill Fuel Costs on Test


MMG Lurker
*** Tradeskills ***

- Prices for the new fuel types have been adjusted:
- Base level 0 - 4c (was 6c)
- Base level 10 - 14c (was 24c)
- Base level 20 - 58c (was 96c)
- Base level 30 - 2s 30c (was 3s 84c)
- Base level 40 - 9s 22c (was 15s 36c)
- Culinary recipes use different types of fuel that are less expensive:
- Base level 0 - 1c (Walnut Kindling)
- Base level 10 - 4c (Mulberry Kindling)
- Base level 20 - 14c (Cherry Kindling)
- Base level 30 - 55c (Hickory Kindling)
- Base level 40 - 2s 21c (Mesquite Kindling)
- The number of charges on totems has been increased from 1 to 5.
- The number of arrows and thrown weapons produced has been increased from 5, 10, 15, or 20 (based on quality level) to 6, 13, 19, or 25.
- The number of charges on potions and poisons has been increased from 1, 2, 3, or 4 (based on quality level) to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
- Corrected some recipe issues with apothecary, weaving, timbercraft, and geomancy.
player items made can be sold to npc at cost
Complete soceity/guild trade quests for profits.