Markis @ Iron Mines Mission


Full Member
We were amazed Markis was NOT at his fort last night when we wanted to complete this mission.

Apparently this is not new (although it was the first time out if 4 times it's happened to me). He may get stuck (either through bug or design) earlier on his march up the right side of the map.

If we are running with henchmen, we pretty much have to go up the left to get them infused, and then come past the fort (if Markis is not there) and back down the right side like we did last night.

Too bad we got sucked dry by that boss necromancer (Life Transfer is nasty). We were on the right track.

Next time.


Full Member
I've not seen it happen to markis, but I have seen it happen to the "floaters" in magumma jungle, in one zone that is a big lake with a path all the way round it (It has the hidden log in it)

Some groups goes clockwise, and others goes anti-clockwise, well, if two groups meet at the log bridge in the sw then they all bunch up, I did try aoe on them ...

but got slaughtered as they all hit me with cry, shatter, and general nastyness x30 or so ...


Full Member
A quick google on Markis bugged shows quite a few messages on the subject.

We were just plain unlucky.

He was there as normal when I took Dark Swan through with henchmen earlier.

I did the infuse bit first (for the henchmen). Not sure if that's what makes the difference.

I'll bring my ranger along for the next run. He can capture 'Barrage' from Markis :)