Morrowind...Elder Scrolls III


Full Member
Anyone heard anything about this ?

I remember playing the first one Dagerfall way way back when and really enjoyed it.
Seen some screenshots of the new one and it looks rather swish :)


f00l Mebmer
well....i've been hearing about this for the past 3 years and so,
what they are setting themselfs is a huge task,
but if they pull it off,
what a game it will be!


The Burninator
daggerfall was the second one, Arena was the first one ;)

and i'm eagerly anticipating this, Gamespy keep doing features on it so i think it's due soon


Full Member
I've got Arena and Daggerfall, enjoyed both immensely. Also got Battlespire, that's totally pants. Elder Scrolls III looks pretty good . . . but competing with the MMORGs and the likes of Neverwinter Nights means it's looking dated before it's even released . . .


Full Member
Agreed NWN and also, possibly, Dungeon Siege will be THE online RPG's to play this year :)
But Morrowind looks like it could be a great single player RPG.
And we all like to play single player games offline sometimes...Yes we do, go on admit it :D


f00l Mebmer
daggerfall did he its Major flaw tho,
and i hope these have been corrected in this game
mainly the dailoge
my friend got some speeching as " yes would would please hold my wheel as i drink my goblet of air"

these really puzzled us, as we thought that it was a cruptic messgae but alas it was not,

plus we hope we fix such flaw as meeting you Arch emney (like you knew you actaul had one!) and i shall random send you to a location, i hope that is sorted,
but the City maps sounds great,
each seprately design and not part of a radom map genrater



Full Member
From what I've read Morrowind is going to be spectacular. Graphically its impressive, despite the slippage (optimised for Geforce4) which will be a nice change from the previous game, although it means I don't think my chugging mechanical beast will be able to handle it :(. It should stick with its Spring release date - the previous date given was November 16th I think, but they wanted an xbox release too. Anyway, I think they're pretty near to finishing it.