New E3 WOW trailer


Full Member
Looks good but... have you seen the Doom 3 I WANT that... :)

No not the video silly.. the game:p

WoW looks good but ..well.. kinda cartoony and Dwarves with guns?? like WTF!! I hate it when they mix fantasy with science fiction.

May take a look when its out in 2005 :p


With the Benedictine monks.
Who's the spotty 15 year old who's taken over Jett's account??? Like Whatever..... :p


Mae hi'n braf
Yeah, like, I think WOW will be like D3, yeah and i can't wait for, like SWG and like it will be like A-maze-ing yeah, and like the other games are like, soooooo coooooooooooooooooool ;)


Full Member
Have posted about the flying griffon mounts else where,but been thinking since ive now seen a human and a dwarf flying one there prob scripted transport like the horses in doac.All the other mounts horses wolves etc seem to be specific for each race,so guessing youll have no control over flying griffs :(.Still the other mounts look pretty cool


Full Member
Not seen it yet, but regarding dwarves with guns, just thought I'd point out that they had rifles in War3, and that worked pretty well. Also they've demolition squads (sappers) into all of the warcraft games except the first, so gunpowder isn't a new addition to the universe. I normally hate it when they merge science fantasy and fiction, but it has worked surprisingly well in the case of warcraft so far - perhaps because the tech levels aren't particularly high. If I now go and find out that they've given dwarves machine guns, then I'll probably change my mind :p


Tribal Matriarch dude
Sorry but that has put me off totally:(
WAS looking forward to it until I saw this latest release.
Don't have a problem with ye olde guns - they had them in the lat 2 Warcrafts, and Dungeon Siege, so I don't have a problem with them. But I've never been that excited by WoW, it's looks a bit too cartoony and, well, simplistic? I'll reserve judgement until i know more about it, but I prefer my games with a bit more grit. :)