Possible ENM static...


Trial Member
Tonight, Amberr and I were discussing ENMs... I was thinking it might be possible to have us "static" while doing the ENMs to get everyone their JSE materials etc. For instance, Amberr needs 3 galatias, Vig needs 6 or so eltoro leathers, Scuddles might want his JSE material(?), etc.

I was thinking it'd go like this:
RDM: Vig or Fey
RNG: Burg, me, FF
WHM: Sinoc or Amby
NIN: Scuddles
PLD: Ritter or Minagi
BLM: Sorran
DRK: ChaosX

You can only enter the same ENM battle once a week though. This is okay though because not all the items drop from the same place (obviously) so we could scoot around to optimize on the ENMs lol.

So is anyone interested in this at all? Once we manage to get 6 or so people together, we could decide on the times/day of the week.
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Prophet of 1337
I need a bunch of ENM stuff also :)

Anyway, yeah. I'm interested. I actually discussed making a post like this, but never ended up doing it :p


Mrs. Scudley
I'm in, also if anyone wants to do a BCNM60 I still have my unused moon orb. Once I start on my regular new route, any weeknight will be ok too since I'll be online till 1am.


Mr. Scudley
Sounds cool, not sure how long I'm gonna be offline for after Thursday next week as that when I finally move. Plus I'd like to concentrate on getting prommies done first b4 I do other things :) but yeah put me down for them


Mrs. Scudley
Oh, and I don't need 6 or so eltoro leathers, most of the RDM JSE is useless. Unfortunately the two useful bits are the ugliest, so I just need 1 for the condom hat and 1 for the baggy pants... >_>;


New member
Froggis said:
Ah, well we have
whm, whm, rng, rng, pld, pld, rdm, nin so far... hmm lol

healers, refreshers, DD's, tanks, what more do we need? lolz, im in! blessed stuff is neat.....and why condom hat viggy? its not condom.....


Trial Member
Hmm, if sorran agrees to go, I was thinking:

Amberr, Scuddles, Vig, Sorran, Me, Burg as the test dummies, and if that doesn't work out that way... We'll revise the party.

I'm thinking the first go at it will be: September 2nd or 4th at around 8 or 9 pm GMT, trying to make sure Amby is back from school/and avoiding the same day as promies.

If it's a success we cans start mixing up the parties and then say every saturday at 7pm GMT from then on?


Trial Member
Okay, well no one cares about you, but um, when you know your schedule we can work it out I guess...