R.I.P. Richard "Kip" Carpenter


Hernes Son
Sad, sad day for me, The man who gave me many a happy hour both as a child and as a grown up, and my favourite TV program ever, has passed away. The brilliant Catweazel, The ghosts of Motley hall, Dick Turpin and of course, Robin of Sherwood. The man is a legend and his superb tv programs will remain as a testimony as to what a great writer he was. Top bloke too, by all accounts, ready to listen to the actors in his dramas and change his script if they thought that what he had written wasn't right for the character. He was trying to organise a RoS reunion to mark its anniversary and the stupid powers that be turned it down.

"Nothing�s Forgotten. Nothing�s Ever Forgotten..."​



Catz is ebil *snigger*
Loved Catweazel and Ghosts of Motley Hall. Why cant kids programmes be like those now a days?


Hernes Son
I know Catz. Just recently I have been buying up my childhood, cheap from Play.com. Boxed sets of Catweazel, Arthur of the britons, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and UFO. Getting the Tomorrow people, Children of the Stones and just had a stroke of luck and found that some nice person has all 13 episodes of the White Horses an Dvd, all have the subtitles and quite a few have the wonderful 1960s dubbing. I realy want my daughter to see it, she is fascinated by the fact that was shown yearly in the mornings on every school holliday up until 1978! That and Flash Gordon, The Flashing Blade and Robinson Crusoe. I really want to see it again, because the theme tune is one of those that instantly takes you back the minute it starts. Also Julia was probably my first ever serious crush ( along with Linda Thorson and a bit later Dora from Follyfoot). Someone has created a website dedicated to it, and you can get the episodes on high quality DvDs for 15 quid!

Most in trhe clan will be thinking "WTF" but us who are a little.. more mature know what it's about ;)

Buy it here

"...where the clouds are made of candyfloss, as the day is born
when the stars are gone - we'll race to meet the dawn..."



Flacid Member
<NOSTALGIA>I'm with you completely Cull. Children of the Stones will be first on my list I think.

I couldn't remember the Tomorrow People's theme but it all came back to me courtesy of Youtube How on earth could I have forgotten it? ...and howabout Belle and Sebastian. I don't particularly want the DVD but the theme tune made me feel all fuzzy and warm :). The Flashing Blade and Robinson Crusoe had the best themes I thought. The Robinson Crusoe one has been covered by The Art of Noise - I downloaded that a few years back</NOSTALGIA>

edit: Just bought The Flashing Blade for under a fiver from amazon. Your fault Cull..

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