RIP David Eddings


Full Member
His books got the usual snobbery aimed at them, but I did enjoy them when I first started reading fantasy, plus the later ones were much better.


Really enjoyed reading his stuff as a kid, likewise some of the first fantasy stuff I read. RIP :(


Flacid Member
Very sad - I loved The Belgariad. Are the prequels mentioned on that Wikipedia link any good btw?


Mistress of Forums
Yeah I enjoyed the 'filling in' of Belgarath and Polgara. Decent stories in themselves, though strangely I wouldn't give them to someone before they had read the Belgariad and Mallorean.
For all that he was kinda looked down upon a bit he was one of those authors I could pick up and devour his books when I was tired and just wanted a nice gentle fun read. I enjoyed the gentle humour that went between characters and could easily forgive the similarities between different series.
R.I.P. and thanks for many a pleasant hour.


wolf in sheeps clothing
Damn just found out about this. I have read and reread his Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium and Tamuli series.

The interaction between characters was always good and made up for the repeating storyline which was still enjoyable.

I think I will start reading them again.

RIP David.


Doggin' at a spot near you
One of the first books I read after all of the middle earth books was The Pawn of Prophecy, and it took me years to find the other books, must have been my 14th birthday when I read the other 4, lol boxed set pressie from the parents \o/

I still listen to them on audio books, and think of fond childhood memories