SC2 Beta


Full Member
It definitely won't be before May because they're still doing loads of balance changes. The focus of the game is going to be esports, so they need to make sure that a release is reasonably stable for highish level competition.


Just back from vacation.

SCII is due to be released "in the first half of 2010" and we haven't announced anything more specific at this stage. If you want to add me in to your friends list in the Beta, I'm on [email protected].

By the way, if you want to be able to see people's real names, you have to add them by email address, not their game name. Adding "Merly.cuk" means you only ever see his game name.


Full Member
Er... seconded! I've been following SC2 on most days since it was announced (principally via team liquid).


I've run out of spare invites at the moment folks. If any come up I'll see what I can do.