

Full Member
Well you don't ask you don't get...

I've been trying all sorts of builds with the new 1.10 patch and have finally decided to stick with a Concentrate barb and try following the recent guide posted on Diabloii forums.

The monsters are way much tougher now and I'm really enjoying taking the game at a much slower pace that I was used to before and with this defence build I go slow anyway.

I know not many are playing these days, but here is a list of low level rares that I would like if anyone finds and doesn't want or has gathering dust on a mule somewhere.

Helm: Sigon's, Dusk Deep, Tarnhelm, Biggin's Bonnet.

Belt: Death's Sash, Lenymo, Nightsmoke.

Boots: Treads of Cthon, Vidala's Fetlocks, Goblin Toe.

Amulet: Eye of Etlich

Rings: Manald Heal.

Shield: Sigon's Guard.

Armour: Sigon's Shelter, Iceblink, Twitchthroe.

Weapon: Any decent One-hand axe

I know, I know, I can hear the laughter from here :D A bit much my list hehe.

Oh yeah my char is about lvl15 at the moment, so that will severly limit my requests, as there is only so much room in the vault. Doh forgot....softcore and Ladder.

Also can anyone confirm or deny whether or not rune recipies work on Axes or is it just swords for the ones listed?

My account is BaneCUK and I'm on most nights in ClanUK2.

Baney (no offence will be taken if ya think I'm a cheeky sod!)
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Hernes Son
Theres loads playing M8 - my freinds list is full and there are several peeps not on it! Is this Sc, Sc Ladder, Hc or HC Ladder?