Siggni Gotredsdottir


Hernes Son
THis what she looks like.
Siggni is tall and gangly, large footed and clumsy looking when at rest. Her blonde hair has a redish tinge to it and her skin is white/translucent - not in the pretty alabaster lady way of courtiers an courtesans but almost as if exposure to the snow and ice of her homeland has bleached all colour from it. The exception to this is her rudy cheeks - they are alway like this - making her look as if she has just finished a long run or gruelling fight.
She is dressed in a byrnie of mail - if examined closely well used, patched in a lot of places and a bit too big for her. Over this she wears a sark of big shaggy wolfskin much to big for her and belted round the waist. It seems to have bits of metal studded in to it -on close examination they are seen to be coins of many difering lands, brooches, lids off small gold or silver containers and the like. What from a distance look like long legged boots are seen on close inspection to be small boots with square rolls of sealskin wrapped round the lower leg and thonged with leather. The skins pong a bit, and when wet smell very bad indeed - she seems not to notice this. On her head is a skullcap of metal, bashed and dinted, to which is attached a noseguard and eye protectors shaped like a raven with outstretched wings. (Think of the Sutton Hoo helm but instead of the Goose that forms the nose piece and eyebrows hers is a raven).
She carries a big shield, battered and dented and the Raven Motif was once painted on it - it has taken so much damage it can just be made out.
At her Belt are four small axes made for throwing and in her other she carries a battleaxe. The axe, upon close examination, shows patterns in the metal like waves - several strands of different hued metals have been expertly worked together by a skilled smith. She refers to the axe almost as if it was a person and Calls it "Blottvarp"
Siggni is very open faced, and gives the impression that she belives what you are telling her - why would you lie? Not so much gullibility as a taking everything at face value. There seems to be little subtelty or subterfuge about her - and the innabilty to spot such in others could be a huge liability to her.
In battle all signs of her former clummsynes depart and she is a formidable opponent, working with a precision of stance and accuracy of blows that leave adversaries in no doubt about her prowess.
And then, sometimes, in the bloodletting the red mist descends and her world turns sideways...
It is not a pretty sight. Afterwards when she is disorientated and the tinny bloodtaste is in her mouth she babbles of bear spirits, and ravens and Kord filling her body with mountainous rage. It was not her, she will say. Someone else comes and makes her do things...
Her hair stands up on her head like spikes and lashes about in a wind that only she can feel. One of her eyes sinks back in to her head and the other bulges like a monstrous pearl trying to burst from her head and her pupil turns red like blood. Beware her then, for when the rage takes controll she becomes a wild thing, not human, not animal but something else...