Star Wars Episode VII - J J Abrahams


Hernes Son
If thisis going to turn out as good as the Star Trek reboot, they should let him retcon I, II and III and pretend that the actual ones were just a bad dream :)


The Nice Chimp
i dont know, i some times think J J is over rated, i love the star trek reboot i love the new actors and the the way the play old chars, but let face it in both films the story not the best. now the first films story line can be put down to
a) it time travel which is always missed up and
b) who knows how black holes really work when you making one

but the second one had plot holes that you can drive a bus thu and no way of even attempting how to explain things

also things against him
lens flare
lost (started good got very bad)
revolution (started bad got worst)


Hernes Son
Hmm I suppose its all objective innit? For me, Lost was amazing until the last few episodes of the last season. Dont mind plot holes in any film or TV , as long as its holding my attention and I am enjoying it - which the New Trek has managed. I never let plot holes get in the way of a good story, blimey I'd never watch ANYTHING decent if I did! That would be most of DR Who, The Walking Dead, Chuck - actually most things - I'd never watch!

Lens Flare? Way too much is made of that - its just his "Trademark" like Tarantinos famous "Boot Shot" ( Which is being coppied by just about every American tv show at the moment. I suppose they just like to reference.) Revolution I stopped watching because I cant stand the black guy who played the villain - he is one of the most Wooden actors I've encountered. Armageddon - I actually like it and watch it when it comes on the box. Never seen Alcatraz so cant speak about it. I don't see how any plot holes Abrahams might add in to the Star Wars franchise can be any worse than the ones perpitrated in it already? I say give the bloke a fair go :)
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Pegasus Belgar

Red Bull gives me wings!
I thought Alcatraz and Revolution were very good, enjoyed them a lot. Dont think Alcratraz is coming back for a 2nd season but it has protential due to the other missing inmates. Revolution is back next year and looking forward to see how the world copes.


Full Member
Well I'm not one to gossip, but... apparently hit girl from kick ass was on capital radio this morning and blushed when asked if she was going to be in the new starwars film and didn't confirm or deny it.

Pass the cinnamon swirls ! (they make great earmuffs dont'cha know)