Sweet Lobelia Seeds


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If anyone finds any Sweet Lobelia pipeweed seeds and you don't need them, could you pass them to me?

They can't be shop bought nor most of the higher tier pipeweed recipes, but they have to be crossbred with other pipeweed seeds. Currently trying to grow Dragonsbreath Pipeweed, but need to crossbreed the Sweet Lobelia with Longbottom Leaf, which will make Muddy Foot pipeweed, which in turn is crossbred with Southern Star pipeweed to (hopefully) produce Dragonsbreath pipeweed.

So, will need quite a few Sweet Lobelia :)


The Nice Chimp
ill check my bank may have some, but can i ask why. since the nerfed the number of seeds you get (which they amited was a mistake) trying to crossbreed pipeweed is a massive cash sink and at the end of it you get a cool effect (and it is cool) but there not a big market for it