Titan Quest multiplayer games


Full of PvP Goodness
we did but because teh quest that you have already done remain done when u start a game then lower lvls have no point connecting to it.

its shame they done have a battle.net style of multiplayer.

Thaty said on occasion some peeps open a game for fun, just have to keep checking here


f00l Mebmer
Readon, You still playing? what level character are you as i'm playing this now, just wondering if you fancy spending and hour or so playing on it one night?


Full Member
i tend to play single player mainly, just use multiplayer when i have some blues to fling around. (and i do, btw. lots of blues. about 3.5bags full.)


Full Member
i'll probably be in the middle of a raid in WoW, but TQ can run quietly in the background, so will start a game around 9ish, and check back whenever i get a chance to.


Full Member
sorry had to go so quick, being shouted at by the raid i'm meant to be leading :p
enjoy the items though :)


f00l Mebmer
its alright mate, give me somthing to spend my character points to, manged to get to 16 last night and i've done Athens, going on to the last part of ACT 1!