[Turn 22] Snoring!!

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Rogue Chimp
[OOC okay im gonna get ruthless a little. Anyone who has acharacter and doesnt post can assume the character is in limbo. I will not kill the character but this is especially important for combat turns - if you do not post you do not respond (but cannot be attack either - people okay with this?]

Olomair crouches low and begins to advance down the corridor towards the sounds. Every few minutes he pauses to listen and then continues onwards. - The mumblings seem to be incoherent and disjointed but gradually / quickly they seem to fade into a deep bellowy snoring sound. Sound Olomair can make out a fairly large, but dimly lit room ahead of him...

olomair is currently about 15ft from the rooms entrance. the rest of the group are behind waiting and watching ...


On The Move

'Hrm, seems like its someone snoring through that door'. Caryllan is reluctant to go first as his armour clanks and he isnt very sneaky, he takes up position ready to attack if the sleeping beauty awakes, but will take the lead if needs be and nobody else will.



Rogue Chimp
modification: There is no door visible. You cna see through the gloom into the room beyond


Full Member
Tieger glances back at the others, and whispers to them "So? what is it? you guys gonna find out or what?", then turns back to his looking for any attack from the rear.


Hernes Son
"Vell Bears only schnorr like dis when der shnow comes. Lets take a look"

Siggni moves towards the sound with axe and shield at the ready, trying to recall every story she ever heard about fighting bears


On The Move

Caryllan thinks to himself *I still think a stealthly person should have checked it out quietly before* but follows closely behind siggi anyway, hammer at the ready to assist in whatever way he needs to.



PVC Love God
Gilead is still concentrating most of his attention on his new 'comrades'. Convinced they are going to stab up his friends given half a chance he won't let them out of his sight and tenses noticeably every time one moves to close to his party.


Full Member
Fael follows a short distance from the warriors of the group, staying to the wall edges and listening intently to the surroundings.


Rogue Chimp
Siggni confidently steps into the room - is appears to be a campsite of some sort. Bedding and bones litter the floor. A metal spike covered with blood justs out of th wall near the corridor entrance, just to her right, about four feet above the floor, indicating omething muct have recently been impaled on it.

Suddenly the snoring stops and a head appears amid the pile of beddingm a dishevelled looking human male with strange eyes, Without a warning he jumps to his feet, yells loudly and charges siggni a huge club appearing in his hand almost as if by magic ....


The roar of a strange human brings those in the corridor to their senses, almost at the same time three ghostly figures come into view from behind the group, back down the corridor from whence you came ....


On The Move

Caryllan jumps forward and times his swing with the oncoming zombie beast man, and with all his might, strikes it in its side with his warhammer, hoping to force it on a path directly into the spike.

[ooc, im meaning a kind of matadoor, bull fighting dodge effort, then hitting it in its side and sending it into its own spike]


Full Member
ooc: Zed, so is that the direction i'm facing, right?
ic: Tieger fires a crossbow bolt into the nearest of the figures, then dives back behind someone more suited toclose combat.


Full Member
*Olomair will remove ( rip and pull if neccessary ) to remove one of the torches off the wall, placing it into his left hand and drawing his whip with his right and charge into the room confronting the stranger that is charging Siggni, making himself as large as possible and making an inhumane amount of noise as high-pitched as possible...Using the whip and torch to aid in the amount of noise, and hoping that the being will see the fire as an instant threat upon itself*

Will try and burn the being if it does not retreat at first and will not stand still, continuously screaming and keeping direct eye-contact with him ( If it does turn and run Olomair will drop the items, attempt to leap upon its back "hook" on with one arm and commence to use his opposites arms punch dagger into the lower abdomen of the being and scream screams from the bottom of his lungs untill it ceases to move )


Full Member
"We are in peril friends, let us prepare. Alas the powers i have reserved would not prove thier worth against the undead..."

Fael brings his staff to bear against the approaching ghost like forms and withdraws a little

(Whilst readying) "Perhaps if this old man has survived here then he is the key, he may not realise we are from above, to kill him may be the wrong way"
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f00l Mebmer
"bloody ell!"

*makes a run for it to put some distance between me and the ghostly figues*

[ooc] once i am about 20-30 ft away turn and losen an arrow at them


PVC Love God
This is the oint at which Gilead most expects the newcomers to act. He pays as little attention as is safe to the monsters and readies his burghoyf, tensed for a strike as soon as their true intentions are shown.


Hernes Son

Siggi charges at the club swinging figure, a grin on her face and Blottvarp glittering in the torchlight...


Full Member

Nell will find a clear spot, flex her fingers, push back the hood of her voluptuous cloak and issue forth a rousing battle fanfare. [casting Ghost sound] She will follow that up by reading and casting Disrupt undead when she gets the chance.
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