Windhurst mission 5-1 aka the lvl 50 caped one...


title says it all realy ^^

need a few peeps to give me and slivez a hand with this , also were gona be in need to get the lvl 50 cap items soon aswell as were both currently lvl 49.

so anyone up for helping us? ^^ , sliv needs to see these CS for the first time :p

weekend is the best time for us this week if thats possable ^^.

oh and sliv still needs rank 5 i think.


Mrs. Scudley
Me and Scuds can help. This weekend is sorta busy, Sat night might be free so if you guys are on then chuck us a /tell. Wed/Thu midweek after like 9pm when we're done with assaults/limbus we usually have time as well. If you can wait, Monday nights are free nights for us to help with missions and stuff. :)


Full Member
I can be on from about 8pm on Mon to lend a hand if you havn;t finished it by then :p


Mrs Sorran
It would seem that we have a COP mission on Monday so thats not really going to be a good day for me , scuds and vig. could we move it. :D


fair enough :) , could try for sat nite?

other than that im not sure , i could make just abt any nite with a few days notice , but it's slivez's work shifts that get in the way more than anything.


Mrs. Scudley
mmm yeah, Scuds isn't going to be on the CoP mission, I *might* be depending if the setup's COR makes it or not. Sat night for Windurst missions works well too though. :)


Mr. Scudley
Balls we did this last nite Tobes for Sliv and Morg. I'm sure we can set it up again its not that hard just a bit of travelling. Let us know when you are online and we can try to fit it in :)