Wizspike / HoZ


Full Member
If anyone comes across the 2 items above could they please bear me in mind if they wish to trade them .
I'm stuck in a bit of a viscous circle atm . Done looooads of NM boss runs but not come across them . They're the last 2 bits I need on my pally so I can start doing Hell runs to find the items I could trade for em :/

On Non-Ladder Softcore .


Full Member
someone must have a wizardspike...it got to the stage that Edd and I weren't bothering to pick them up when we were playing they were so common


Hernes Son
Dont play non-ladder anymore :(

Dumped all my stuff in public games a few weeks ago. Had a Herald too. Gimmershred are good pala weapons if u can find them.


Full Member
Everyone says they spikes drop loads but I've never seen one yet . Typical .
I've just transfered my MF gear onto my Pally as he can get to NM Meph and Baal quicker than my Ama . Run , clear , town to change gear , 10 secs to kill boss . Both boss's in about 12 mins . I've stopped doing Diablo for the time being .


Full Member
I dont think NM Meph can drop Wizspike mate. Have you tried Hell Meph runs yet ? Max your resists and you should do anywhere in Hell easy.

Dont have anything at all non-Ladder, sorry :(

Do you know a lot of the new items cant drop in non-Ladder ?


Hernes Son
I remember in 1.09, lore in the chatrooms had it that knife/dagger etc were more likely to drop from hell rakanishu than anywhere else and I did get a few gulls off him.


Full Member
I was under the impression it could drop off NM Baal m8 . Might have got my TL's wrong though .
I can do Hell Meph , but because my resistances are anything from 10-40 in hell I tend to take a lot of damage from the dread lords . I generally die if they have large packs . It's just that I can do NM runs so much faster that I've been concentrating on them .

I found a Duriels shell cuirass last night on my very last Baal run , so I may use that instead of the Vipermagi Skin I generally wear . That may take me to max resists .


Full Member

Been doing lots of Hell Meph runs over the last week . Seems to be a huge drop in the number of uniques dropping compared to NM . Is that normal in 1.10 ?
I've found a Windhammer maul and a Druids Thresher thing which seemed quite nice but nothing much else apart from a Shako which I've bunged a P-Topaz in (in full MF gear atm I'm racking up about 400%) . My Merc has bitten the dust untold times due to multi-hydras and meteors but it keeps the mobs off me enough to get some hammers going .

Still no Wizspike or HoZ though !

BTW - I finally managed to cube a 'Cruel' prefix on a collossus sword which I've had on a mule for ages . Didn't get anything else worthwhile with it though and only one socket , so I kept on going . 270% ed on it though which was nice . 200 to 400 something on damage also .
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