WoW beta usa and Korea only :(


Full Member
Dont hold your breath trying to get into the beta for WoW its gona be only usa and korea at the start.Few snippets from dif web sites

World of Warcraft Update
12:17 | by Kyote
PlanetWarcraft has posted some information on the beta of Blizzard's upcoming fantasy MMORPG World of Warcraft, specifically that it will be region-specific for Korea and the United States only as well as the news that Blizzard plans a closed beta before a more open one. They also point out at PlanetWarcraft that the official Web site has been updated with information on the Night Elf race.

WoW Beta Info 14 Comments
13:06 PST | McBain
No, Blizzard has NOT announced the sign-ups for the WoW beta testing yet. Awwww, I know. But the people at Wow.Warcry recently got some feedback from the PR department at Blizzard about some of the details surrounding who exactly will be included in the selection process. The most important factor is that currently the beta will start off being open to only those in the US and Korea. Sorry Chaps, Mates, Seniors, and Herrs, but the closed part of the beta will be off limits to you. Blizzard is also considering an open beta similar to what other MMORPGs have done to start some time after the closed beta has started. This is what Gil had to say:
Q. Will the beta be available only in the US and Korea? What about Canada, other countries? Any word on when during the beta period the "open" period will happen?
A. Gil Shif: Initially, the beta will be available in the U.S. and Korea, and I do know we're planning for a thorough closed beta before we open it up. However, there aren't any plans at this time to go beyond the U.S. for the open portion of the test in North America.

Q. I'm in Europe. Will I be able to participate in the World of Warcraft Beta?
A. We have not yet finalized our beta plans, but we do know that at some point in the process we will need to test servers worldwide. This will certainly involve Europe, but to what extent and when has not been determined.

The gist is usa and korea only at the start of the closed beta and i suspect if were alowed into the beta here itll be near launch :(.But this closed usa and korea thing is starting to bother me,if there going to the trouble of keeping certain countrys out now are they gona do a shadowbane when it comes out.They might open the beta to everyone simply for stress testing and promoting the game,and once game is out it isnt World of Warcraft BUT Usa of Warcraft Europe of Warcraft and Asia of Warcraft :(