Wyrmsteel draconic weapon shots


Trial Member

What do you think the chances of us hitting lvl30 are then? Cos I think they are close to zip!


Eternal Student
Not sure if I understand correctly. But the wepons looks a bit poo imho. Definatly the base DMG is not as good as my wepons currently, and no where near the sort of dmg of a prismatic.

The proc procs every hit I guess? so that would increase the dmg alot, but then it's only on draconic targets, so if your killing dragons etc then they would be well worth investing in, if not..wouldnt worry that much tbh.

Would rather have the right and left hand of Master Mcgillin from nek castle for the 300-400 dmg proc with 1.4 delay!


Trial Member
I think from reading the posts that the weapons deal BANE damage, hence are much more useful against Dragons.

On a slightly more urgent note, I'm assuming those weapons come from the lvl50 NC?? And can we get a look see when you are next on?


Eternal Student
The left/right hand of master Mcgillin do come from the level 50 NC, as does a fair bit of decent armor by the sounds of it.

NC is possible with 1 group of level 48-50 players, or two groups 45+. Can of course have a mix with what ever is the best we can field and give it a go, from my friends who have been in it sounds like good fun, and whats a death between friends :)

Could well be worth organising a raid for all those 45+ or very close, I think with 8-10 people 45+ we should be able to do it, I know Dimitrus and myself are very interested in going


Trial Member
What about a lvl43?
We could get more of us if we dropped the level a bit, but what effect would it have on conning?

I'm assuming you said 45 like DFC is better if you have an average of 45?