Anyone Alive?


Hey folks,

Got thoroughly tired of my Horde main this x-pack so switched to Alliance (boooo!) for the first time. I'm now playing on Terenas with the SPS folks (the remnants of the old United Kingdoms EQ guild) and having a blast again.

Anyone else actually active in the game?


Dead Again, I need a Rez
I canceled my subscription last week as i hadn't played it for a couple of months, and i need the money, since xmas is coming. I hadn't even gotten to 100.

Something must be wrong with me, I havent played any games in the last month and a half.

97 was my highest, cuz of my OCD completionist i had been juggling between 5 different characters, because I had not played through the BC, WofLK and Panda world, I have completed Cataclysm.

Might return, i love playing my Discipline Priest, created that one from new for the Cataclysms low level stuff am 75 now.

I will definitely be playing SC2 Legacy of the Void when that comes out in November (already ordered the collectors edition from Game), me likes the campaigns, not been into MP die too often, although do like co-op vs the computer
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