1st July lets make it happen


Full Member
ok we got loads of lvl 60 toons in guild lets all meet up and make our first run to MC or ZG

we will need as many very high level toons as possible to even stand a chance

suggest we try starting at 7-45pm and see how it goes we may all be dead in 5 mins or 2hours just have to see

ive never been there so anyone with some experiance of the place tips would be greatly welcome or if you would like to lead us into place please post below

making this post tonight so you guys have got lots of warning so this will hopefully happen maybe tie in with other guild LTHY if we need to make up numbers

guys post below who will be there lvl ,class and name

lets start doing high end game areas like we all want to

1. ninnocha rouge lvl 60
2. btone priest lvl 60
3. sadsurfer rouge lvl60
4. vigh hunter lvl 60
5. squidget warrior lvl 60
5. earth hunter lvl 60
6. alric paladin lvl 60
7. poon/pooner pally/hinter lvl 60
8 damson hunter lvl60
9.kruptikos mage lvl60
10.scorpiouk warrior lvl60
11. psychotics mage lvl60
12. bele priest lvl60
13. danny druid lvl 60
14. abbe priest lvl60?
15. slainy ??? lvl60

looks like it might be best to go ZG as i think most of us arnt MC ready
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MMO Pimp and Alt Master
SadSurfer - Rogue - 60
Will try and level another toon so it is close to cap as well


Full Member
Ain't doctor who on around then? :) Still checking if I can make it, would love to see either place for first time (am MC attuned as its needed I'm sure)


Full Member
would offer my services to give u a bit of hand on ya first run but not sure what i'll be doing then if ya wanna contact me about tatics feel free though we relie more on skill than gear on our raids so may suit u. normaly about as yardos in game these days if wanna talk


Stoic Dwarf Type

Sounds like fun i'm sure x-clanukers would come if given enough notice and if they have no other guild comittments - count in the dwarf pally or priest that is pooner/poon



Full Member
I would love to give it a go, but never been ,so don't what's involved. But if someone would like give to me any info, so that i can get prepared and see if i can stand it. Also if anyone can stand the thought of a priest that doesn't know how to heal ( he he ), tagging along.
Bele 60 priest
also got a level 60 mage- mistletoe
i've been told that i have to be mc attuned ( what ever that is ), and i'm not.


MMO Pimp and Alt Master
just a thought but if we are trying to get to MC then everyone who wants to go needs to have completed the 'attunement to the core' quest.
If not then ZG .....
Also only 1 priest in the list (Btone as always!!!), I will try and level up my lvl50 priest (Vortal) to help instead so if you see me on then help me get to 60 in a week :p



Full Member
if its ZG, you get quests from Yojamba isle, up the northwest of stranglethorn. and one in cenarion hold too, but only worth doing if your likely to kill Kurinaxx in AQ20 soon too (he's actually a fairly easy boss.).
if its MC, the only quests are the Hydraxian Waterlords quest, which you get from an island in Azshara. if you look on the map, end of the southern peninsula. just northeast of the very tip, theres an almost round island. you get them there. start early as theres a few hours worth of quests before they send you into MC.
other than that, make sure you're attuned for molten core, the quest for which is obtained from the bloodelf at the MC entrance, and done in blackrock depths.


Full Member
Way back when we ran a group through BRD, to the end as quick as possible then people got attuned and as the others arrived (we started early) they joined the raid and were summoned up to the guy who attunes you. nice and quick.