50th Anniversary DR Who


Full Member
What no vitriol or cheers?

I watched it and thought it was very over-hyped, but it was a good episode with lots of nods to long time fans, with a cameo from my fav DR.

The best bit is Peter Capaldi's eyebrows! I reckon he will be a good DR.


The Nice Chimp
i liked it, but i couldnt help but think that it needed Christopher Eccleston in it to make the story work better


Full Member
I thought that they could have had all the living Doctors in it, makeup & special effects could have sorted McCoy, Davidson and the other one (rainbow outfit? Never watched him). Granted Tom Baker is too old for that to work, but his part was nice anyway. Shame McGann & Ecclestone were not in this episode properly.


Hernes Son
Thought it was well worked out, but as per modern DR Who, too much crammed in to one episode which just makes a good story seem trite. That said, enjoyed it a lot.


Full Member
I really liked it.


- Matt and David worked really well together, lots of fun there.

- John Hurt sortoff in a meta role of an older Doctor and older fan - moaning about the younger generation and their 'timey whiny' dialog and screwdriver as a weapon. Very clever writing.

- Peter Capaldi's eyebrows!

- Tom Baker!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The resolution of the Time War story - it now gives the new Doctor a mission, find Gallifrey (and be rewarded by more regen, I expect).


- Joanna Paige as the Queen - awful acting, did she think she was in a Carry On Movie?

- Escolston refusing to take part, he was offered either equal billing or a cameo at the end (when Hurt regened) he refused....bit of a arsy move on his part really.