Abysmal Wii graphics and PS3 price cuts


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could of points from that PS3 price cut thing

and a repricing for Japan.
Which doesn't affect us in any way so *shrug*

The console's online service will also offer Mega Drive and PC Engine titles
allow users to upload photographs
Wow, so just poorly ripping off the Wiimote wasn't enough for sony, they had to go for ripping off some of the Wii channels as well :D

As far as the Wii's graphics being abysmal people will vote with there money, either you choose the Wii, with innocative gameplay and a system designed around fun, where graphics while perhaps not top of the range are still immersive, or a PS3 which has pricecuts before it's even released (in Japan), focuses massively on trying to achieve photo realistic graphics and stick with the same kind of gameplay you had 6+ years ago (I think it was 6 years ago when the PS one came out and didn't have rumble pads, which unless more has changed and not been release the PS3 controller has no feedback)

The true example of the Wii and it's "power" was shown to me when I showed my dad a gameplay video of wii sports and the wiimote in various uses my miamoto(sp) he said "That looks like fun, we could get one for the nook" (small kinda games/chillout room they have and call the nook for some reason)

The proof though will be in the sales and how the consoles last


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Yeah, but Gottaa, those graphics are worse than my PC on the _release_ of Farcry. They're absolute shit. We're supposed to be purchasing a gaming console, not an overpriced abacus complete with fancy controller to move beads in 3D space.


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If the Wii controller's only "fun" use you can think of, is moving beads in a 3d space environment just how stale would you rate your gaming experience ?

0 - Gameplay is king
5 - I love lens flare, it really makes me feel like I'm in a car travelling at 220mph
10 - PS/3 ROCKS it's got pixel shading, and anti-aliasing and I love how the controller isn't every affected by feedback, so precise !

Cos I'd rate you at about 12 right now :D


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I didn't say moving beads around would be fun...quite the contrary in fact :p.

The point is Gottaa those graphics aren't just crap, (we all knew already that the Wii was going to be pretty incapable in the eye candy department), they're abysmal; revolting as opposed to revolutionary. The Wii has regressed - it's like you're buying a gamecube without half of the stuff that makes it run. And couple this with the ridiculous controller prices (43 quid for a remote and nunchuk?!) and it's not even competitive on a cost front!


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Does that look like fun ?

As far as abysmal, *shrug* pretty sure I could find a poor port of a game which hit any console and go on about graphics till the cows come home. What is important though is gameplay, is it fun, I've no idea about far cry, but I know Red Steel was made (as I understand) for the Wii, from the start, so now proceed to fire into how poor shaded the pixels are in Red Steel if you want, the fact is it looks FUN.

Oh and if you want you can tell us all what this game involving moving 3d beads in space is so we can avoid it.

It's early days for the Wii, and the PS/3, the thing that for me has the Wii ahead is the control method and it's general ethos of gameplay over graphics. That and the pricing difference and while in my time I've brought I think 3 PS/2's I wouldn't buy a PS/3. I have watched lots of info about the Wii and PS/3 and while I always find myself engrosed watching Wii gameplay the PS/3 leaves me cold, Watch the recent 1UP video of the Sony announcement, the only thing in that whole clip which interested me was the start Rayman advert for a Wii game. Though I will admit those presenters left me cold.


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I was referring to the Wii as an abacus. Hence the comments about 3D beads.

Anyway, don't worry buddy, I was just winding you up. The Wii is probably the only console that I'm going to buy, and whilst I was a bit disappointed with the UK pricepoint and those graphics, the later at least is not actually indicative of the Wii's capabilities; if you look at other Eurogamer articles you'll see some developers have produced pretty decent results.

As far as gameplay goes, I've been sufficiently impressed with my DS to put enough faith in Nintendo to buy the Wii on launch. Sorry for teasing you, it's just you've posted quite a lot about the Wii recently and I was, well, bored :p.


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S'okay, was bored here as well, and whilst I have really tried to see the positive side of the PS/3 having loved the PS/2 so much I was kinda hoping someone would point out something other than graphics that is good about the PS/3 :(

And you said 3d beads in space, an abicus (or however you spell it) would be on rails :p

Now lets get back to arguing about stuff cos there's still sod all good on TV


Full Member
Gottaa said:
And you said 3d beads in space, an abicus (or however you spell it) would be on rails :p

A bit of poetic license.

I'm not sure the graphics capabilities of the 360 and PS3 necessarily dictate that both consoles will be bereft of originality and decent gameplay; The Dead Rising in particular was a game that, had it been implemented better, might have been a lot of fun to play. Having said that, higher texture resolutions/poly counts etc will drive the cost of games up, which will encourage developers to focus more on the "Ridge Racer 7s" than "New Original Game 1s".


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It also continues to push smaller gaming companies out while pushing up the price of ... well everything. With the Wii and also the 360 they have embraced the smaller development communities, and I hope to see some nice fun and cheap titles come along, and probably at a faster pace than larger development companies could today dream of.

As far as original gameplay if it hadn't become clear the thing that has me gobsmacked about the PS/3 controller is it losing rumble, something which can really add to a game (I think it was silver snake who make the controller plugged into my second port shake and scare me which he was reading my mind, well something like that). The only game on the PS/3 which looks like it has some potential is I think White Knight (RPG) but from when I first heard about it to now it seems to being squeezed into the "standard" RPG lines.

I imagine you could get say 5 coders a level designer or two and some graphics people and you could make a really fun, enjoyable game for the 360 and Wii, why Sony don't try and tap into the quicker turn around, more unusual ideas I don't know, though the think you linked did hint they wanted to improve there links with the developers so maybe they are seeing the light.

Now I'm going to watch the Wii video on Rayman again, shooting bunnies looks fun with the hose, though milking the cows ... still slighty disturbing and it makes me wonder how longer before the first porno Wii game will be released.


Difficult to say if the screen shot is an example of Wii graphics inferiority or the ineptitude of the developers. :p


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Entropy said:
Anyway, don't worry buddy, I was just winding you up. The Wii is probably the only console that I'm going to buy, and whilst I was a bit disappointed with the UK pricepoint and those graphics, the later at least is not actually indicative of the Wii's capabilities; if you look at other Eurogamer articles you'll see some developers have produced pretty decent results.



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For anyone getting one, Wii Play is supposedly well worth getting. you get a red wiimote with nunchuk (thought the nunchuk isn't confirme in the UK as yet, well I've yet to see that it is) and a disc of 20 or so smaller games including those shown at E3 and since then. It's not a game disc in itself but you get a nice red Wiimote and 20+ fun games many of which do use the Mii character's :)


Your opinion is worthless....
Just watched that Redsteel, not that good gfx infact out of date, i would also love to see people playing on the console as long as they would normally with those controls, your all going to be fucked from the moving about >.<

no more sitting on your ass getting fat !


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I can understand console only owning 10 year olds getting all excited about how realistic the Sunbrero Inpizza 5.0 GT Turbo 2 disc Directors cut Touring car looks in Need for Asbo's : Underground, or how big and bouncy the boobs on Ying Poo Dong the teenage girl ninja in Street Tekan Mad cow cage fighters IV are, but surely as PC owners we're above that arent we?

Some of the greatest games of all time, that are still highly playable today have appauling graphics.
Diablo 2, Civilisation, Transport Tycoon, Settlers, Warcraft 3, Ultima Series etc.

If you really do neeeed to see clever fancy graphics, download a demo of the latest FPS for your PC, you dont need to pay for a PS3 and then another 40 quid for a game.

Graphical improvements to games are plateu'ing, improved (and more expensive) technology is doing nothing more than letting developers become lazier and lazier. People (me included) spunk away tons of money on new hardware, and for what, 10 more fps in FEAR?, so you can use 4xAA instead of 2xAA in BF2142? Does it change the way the game plays at all...newp. Gaming needed revolution, not more evolution, and thats why Wii will do well, especially with older gamers.

Also, for the record, Tom loves the cock.


Full Member
MarkS said:
dont need to pay for a PS3 and then another 40 quid for a game.

PS3 owners will dream of games only costing 40 quid, price points that I'd read about had the games clocking in at around 60 quid. Though if Sony have half a brain they will need to reduce those prices as well as the console, I'm not sure how the games developers will make there money though :(

And Git, you can sit your arse down and just play if you want, as he was at the start of the video i linked of Red Steel, but I imagine I'd also be standing up at some point (probably less than the guy in the video cos I'm lazy) when it's time to chop someone's head off !!!! Heroes is looking rather good, I'll add that to my list for when it comes out, I'd like to be able to sword fight with a wiimote in each hand and the nunchuk not plugged in, then I'd also quite like to see a starwars Wii game.. Bzzzzzrrrrr Vuuuummmmm Woooooooo (poor light sabre noises)


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Update: Wii games seem to be dropping everywhere to 32.99. All my pre-orders at Play have been reduced as well. Which is nice :)