Afterlife joining overview.
As most of you are aware, there has been some banter with regards to amalgamating CUK with another guild for our PvP / WvW activities, to which after some looking into, Afterlife seem to be the most favourable.
AfterLife Details:
Register on their forums
Application page:
If you fill in their application form but also emphasise you are coming from CUK as we have a free ticket to be accepted.
After speaking to Carcasstro (Afterlife GW2 GM) last night, we thought it would be easier if you can say in here if you are going to apply and whether Casual or Full membership in either WvW or PvP (I can�t see why you wouldn�t with the �rep who you want� ability) so we can get a list together of who he needs to accept straight away from the applications as they come in on his side of things. I'll also try and comment on their forum as i see people from CUK apply.
Its been mentioned in here about the 15hrs+ play per week, well reading into it at: there are 2 membership levels, Full and Casual. Full is then broken down further into sPvP, WvW and then PvE.
Casual members wear the guild tag but have no obligations but need to follow the rules in their manifest. Full membership is where it�s preferable to put in the 15hrs + a week, you also pay a TAX (I believe of 25sp / week) if you are in the WvW PvP not the structured PvP. PvE Full members provide equipment needed by the guild and are funded from the guild for materials, etc. Full members take precedence over Casual in regards to recruitment, events or rewards and need to participate in guild events.
I know this isnt everything people will want to know, but any questions ask here and we can try and get the info.
Views and Expectations (copied directly from their forum):
Our Ethos
Quality over quantity
About Afterlife
Afterlife is a multinational PVP Community - with 200+ active members. We are a long established gaming community which has been active in all relevant MMO's - World of Warcraft / AION / RIFT / Lineage / Guild Wars / Warhammer Online and various FPS games
What are we looking for?
We are looking for players with a proven PVP track record. We are looking for enthusiastic team players, who wish to join a hardcore PVP community. We want quality people to join, and have the desire to be the very best! We expect in excess of 15hrs per week game play from all members, and they are expected to attend all calender events. We are currently recruiting all classes. Only applications of an exceptional standard will be considered.
What can we offer you?
Afterlife can offer you years of experience/dominance in MMO PVP games. We understand the mechanics involved. We offer a safe home for you to flourish in your PVP abilities. We can offer solid infrastructure and regular Community activities. We have ventrilo at your disposal which is the core of our community, all members are extremely active.
Our Commitment
Afterlife is committed to our members. We will assist you in anyway we can; however, we do not condone begging and continual harassment of other community members. If you have genuine reasons to seek help we ask that you contact an officer and we will endeavor to resolve your issues.
Afterlife's Launch Goals
We aim to establish ourselves as the dominant PVP guild on the selected server of choice, and retain that status.
As I've said before and others in /g have commented, they seem very organised and quite good fun so it looks like both guilds will get on ok together