An author you can't stand.


Hernes Son
Personally dont like

Stephen R Donaldson
Terry Brooks
Andrew Harman ( Writes "humorous" fantasy in a pratchett wanabee style but isnt funny)

Kenneth Graham is overrated
H.P Lovecraft is VASTLY overrated
Archer is a foul turd.
oh and Alan Titchmarsh is the spawn of Yog- Soggoth.


Full Member
H.P Lovecraft is VASTLY overrated

i agree :( was extremely disappointed when, having enjoyed the call of cthulhu rpg for years, i tried reading some of his work, only to find that the stuff that had made it into the game had been basically heavily reedited, in order to make it readable and sensical (sensical is so a word. if nonsensical is, then it must be, right? :p), and most was only brought across as vague ideas because the stories themselves just aren't that good.

I also agree with Chick - can't destroy books. No matter how bad they are, destroying a book just seems...wrong.


Ranger of the North

All good examples of how to string out generic fantasy faire beyond the call of duty. Jordan especially just cannot seem to grasp when enough is enough.

Cashing in on an Electronic Arts level which is a shame as they all start out good. In Feists case outstanding.


Mistress of Forums
I have very amenable taste it would seem. The only book I remember having bother with was 'The Great Gatsby' that was truly awfull and I had to read it for school.

I suppose for me a crap book is one that I haven't read a second time and those I don't remember :) I give them away too, canny destroy a book either.

All good examples of how to string out generic fantasy faire beyond the call of duty. Jordan especially just cannot seem to grasp when enough is enough.

Cashing in on an Electronic Arts level which is a shame as they all start out good. In Feists case outstanding.

I agree on the Jordan one. The first book was great and the next few were ok but the 'wheel of time' series is such a chore to read after about book 4.

Eddings is great. His two 5 book series (Mellorean and Belegeriad) were great to read. Each character was distinctive and had a unique personalty. Its a book i'd recommend to people for beach reading :)


Full Member
Okay, I am going to throw something controversial in here. Something most likely to get me burned on the stake... But it is about the only author I feel fits the bill...

Ready for it?

J.R.R. Tolkien

I read the first two books of Lord of the Rings and almost went into a coma. All that ever happened in the books seemed to be whiney hobbits wandering around, getting into trouble, getting rescued, repeat.

Didn't bother reading the third one or anything else from Tolkien ever again.

I know, I know, philosophy professor, invented his own language, brilliant man. Someone who can write 3 pages in a book of descriptions about a single tree, someone who surely has a way with words. I agree.

Doesn't mean I have to read the boring thing that could have just as easily covered the story in half the pages, and still used decent descriptions and exposition.


Mistress of Forums
Burn the heretic! Actually I struggled to finish LOTR the last time I read it. I have read it several times and recall reading it in a ridiculously short period of time in primary 6.

I think there are some books that are highly thought provoking at the right time but if you have read other one you don't appreciate them.

I enjoyed Stephen Donaldson's series about the leper at one point but can't say I have had the urge to pick them up again.


Full Member
Ive read em, but i cant say i enjoyed them, it was the same when i recently read Great expectations, I was reading them coz i felt i should, rather than wanting to coz i thought It would be for me.


Full Member
J.R.R. Tolkien's stuff isn't the easiest to read I agree, but ends up worth it in the long run.

Jordans Wheel of time is very long-winded, but instead of getting frustrated by the lack of action I ended up stangely engrossed in the detail of the story.

Saying that I have really enjoyed several single book stories, such as American Gods, - Neil Gaiman, Roofworld - Christopher Fowler and ShadowsFall - Simon R Green.


Full Member
I tend to have to re read paragraphs in stuff like Tolkein which annoys me a bit, I prefer books that i can almost skim read in the not important parts, numbers has always been my thing rather know.. words and stuff.


I think the problem with LOTR now is that for anyone reading it for the first time, it could easily seem cliched and dated - the formula has been used so many times since he wrote it. Also he is keen on the word 'queer' which these days jumps out at me.
Its a bit like Neuromancer, I started it but wasn't able to finish it, it felt so cliched but then of course, it wasn't when it was written.
I have to say, I read it for the first time since I was 8, I loved it and have easily read it 30 times since then - its definately worth persevering with,


Retro RPGer
Only read Neuromancer by Gibson, I don't know if he came up with the whole cyberspace concept but it was the first time I'd encountered it, class stuff.

On Turkey authors - Robert Jordan for me, if only because he has so many excellent concepts and then completely drowns them in a pile of drivelling, unnecessary trivia. He also has the incredibly annoying habit of reprising the last book for the first half of the next - drives me absolutely crazy. I can remember what you told me last time, why the hell do you think I'm reading this one you amnesiastical pillock!?


Doggin' at a spot near you
Moorcock.........over-rated mainly by himself.
bollocks :p admittedly some of his work was plain wierd, but on the whole he was good, nice anti-heroes. Elric for example, is in my top five, with Karl Edward Wargner's Kane character and Waylander, up there too.

The worst author I've come across was Stephen Donaldson, if I wanted to read a theosaurus I would 500 pages of description 25 pages of plot, and he loves donkey's cocks too. :p

Swith m8, try Simon R Greens Hawk and fisher books but read Blue moon rising first :D very good, they've been re-releast I think.


Hernes Son
Agreed, Moorcock one of my top ten fantasy writers, Feist, Gemmel, Goodkind, Jordan, Katherine Kerr etc wouldnt even get in me top 20. They just regurgitate the same old, same old stock fantasy. Moorcock is an innovator.


Full Member
Stephen Donaldson is not all bad, Mordants Need was a good series and the GAP series was OK but needed to be about 2 books shorter. But his latest attempt at another Covenant series was long winded, boring, pointless, badly written pile of poo. I gave up after 200 pages with no sign of a story starting.

As for the wheel of time series, had it been 5 books shorter and not had so many annoying women in it (i suppose that means he writes women well), it would have been a very good series.

Moorcock is very good, don't think I could read a lot of his stuff now but he is an innovator.