Anybody planning to come back for the expansion?


Full Member
After doing some research on the things that will be implemented as part of the Desert of Flame expansion, I have actually become a good deal more excited about the game again. :)

Also, a lot of the changes they implement with live update 13 (guild banks for one thing, also the combat revamp) are sounding pretty good.

So I have been wondering if any of the people that stopped playing EQ2 for various reasons are planning to take another look at the game when the expansion comes out.

Just asking because I am pretty much all alone in guildchat right now, and if nobody is coming back in the near future, I, too will start looking to join a new guild. If there are people coming back, I may stay in the EQ2 ClanUK guild on the hopes that it will become more busy again. ;)



Eternal Student
Lo buddy, I'm on a bit of a brake from EQ2 at the moment (as you may have noticed) Mainly due to the fact i've just not got the time to play the only thing left in the game that holds interest for me (raiding) Oviously with the expansion there will be a load new things to do, levels to compleat, quests and zones to test out so i'll definatly be back.

Will probibly be just grouping with old friends and not joining any type of guild(as I still wont have time for raiding) so I may re-guild hathy, but will see how it goes.


Full Member
Hmmm... I am interested in raiding, too, I just do not want to raid 24/7. I was thinking maybe 2-3 days per week. Does anybody know a guild that raids and is willing to accept guests?

Either way, when DoF is out and you come back, Hathy, can you perchance use a Level 45+ Troubador along in your exp groups? :)



Trial Member
I think you may find that most of the raiding guilds will be out exploring DoF anyway and lvling to 60 rather than raiding so there will be plenty of people to group with.


Eternal Student
Definatly Dara, i'll be out exploreing new places, checking out new quests and generally haveing a bit of fun away from raiding (at least at the start of the expansion)

As Ark says I would expect alot of the raiding guilds to have a "leveling up/cooling off" period when the expansion comes out for a month or so, why try and do things at lower level whe you can spend a few days leveling and kill epic mobs much easyer. Happened in EQ1 while I was with Arch Overseers every expansion.