Call Of Duty 5: World At War

It's basically CoD2 but with the CoD4 engine. Multiplayer is underwhelming, and frankly my dear, I'd rather be playing CoD4. ;)

The singleplayer's pretty good fun, as CoD2 wasn't a bad game and I'll play it through at least once. However, it's just not in the same league as CoD4, a comparison they must have expected to receive.

Oh, and it's not just in the Pacific, it pings over to the eastern front as well. I particularly liked the start of the Russian part, but I can't help but notice similarities with a memorable part of CoD4. ;)
Hrm... if I had to summarise in one line, then yeah.

I don't think it's worth it just for the singleplayer, but that's because i have lots of other games to play.
That said, it's quite good fun, as long as you enjoyed CoD2.