Champion.... help


Rogue Chimp
Okay im getting a bit despondant with the champion. I cant work out if its my gear (probably) or the way im approaching things so as a result im tempted to ditch and start something else (equally annoying probably!)

What is the champions role in a group? Is it DPS? or something else?


Full Member
The thing that I do not like with the Champion is that to use your skills you need to toggle the Fevour skill ON. This sadly stops you from evading or parrying. Also stops blocking but who would want to use a shield with a DPS Champion.

Which kind of means you wade in giving no thought to any defence at all, which I suppose is the premise of the Champion, a DPS warrior.

So even with the best weapons and armour, you may struggle with multiple mobs on you.

The Guardain is pretty lethal and has the defensive qualities to match.

I'd try the Guardian Zed and see how that appeals to you.


Full Member
Have to say i find LOTR very class specific, you really have to find one that suits your play style. I tried a Minstrel and couldnt get on with it at all and at lvl12 switched to a hunter which I am much much happier with. I know of a few people who have done the same thing. Also its worth mentioning that I tend to think until lvl20 the classes dont really open up and settle down so might be worth sticking with it and see if it gets more settled :)


Hernes Son
Tried minstrel, loremaster, captain and hunter, all to 12. Hunters are always my "easymode" characters in other games, but couldnt get away with one in LOTR. Finaly tried Guardian, and I NEVER play tanks, and he's great. First one I've gotten past 12. Just keep tryin till one clicks mate.


Cartwheel RIGHT
I have no idea i'm afraid Zed, but like Jett/Cull i can heartily recomend the Guardian, after playin lots of melee dps'ers before.

Nice damage, nice defence, big swords, shields, shiny armour. Plus tanking means you get teh healz unlike them pesky over-agroing dps....


Ranger of the North
Okay im getting a bit despondant with the champion. I cant work out if its my gear (probably) or the way im approaching things so as a result im tempted to ditch and start something else (equally annoying probably!)

What is the champions role in a group? Is it DPS? or something else?

When I've grouped with a Champion its mainly DPS. Letting the Guardian build up agro for a few seconds then go to town. Secondry role would be peeling any mobs from the Minstrel or other squishy if the Guardian has his hands full.

Also found Champs useful off-tanks using sword and board to relieve the pressure from a Guardian if there are 2 or 3 elites.

Looks like the expansion is adding some extra abilities to help Champs in the off tank role.

My Guardians damage dosen't approach a Champ tbh and if you like the numbers Guardian won't suit mate.


Full Member
I love my champion....great dps class that can also have decent armour :D
Try other classes Zed, one should click for you.

I loved finally getting a char that can wear plate/chain & dps. Great solo class, but over a couple of mobs and your toast without a group.


Tried all the others and it's sooooo intense and full of pressure. Now I am a minstrel, I sing songs, tell jokes and wear silly hats.

Oh sorry no idea about game play as I am sure some will definitely inform you.


Rogue Chimp
think ill wait to 20, get that spangly armour out Fanneh sent me and see how it looks then,


Full Member
I thought the champions role in a group was to overaggro as many mobs on himself by ae'ing like a loon and wiping the group with it?


Full Member
Sit back and munch a muffin while watching the Minstrel run around like a headless chicken with 4 elite wights on her :)

Actually, I'm really enjoying my Hunter. I like the prep and then drop hammer style of play. Miss the flash bang of the wizard, but hey, can't have everything.

Dabbled with the Minstrel, and they are quite fun, and due to the healing quite survivable, not done any grouping with her yet, which I'm dreading as the healing aggro I've witnessed as my hunter is well harsh.

Tried loremaster, to start with they are quite tricky to play, but now I've gained a few levels they arn't that bad, they just lack that certain sommat.
The bear gets stuck all too often, which really aggrivates me.

The melee guys don't interest me, sorry can't help there.


Doggin' at a spot near you
Captain's are nice and I'm not a melee fanboy, nice group heal + buff's and can tank(ish) the only downside is they can't use heavey shields.

The pet hardly ever gets stuck, unlike Zer's Bear :D


Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi Enpi /gasp
Loremaster bears got nerfed terribly since beta, and they get stuck all the time. I've found the loremaster's role in a group is similar to that of an enchanter type from the EQ days - keep everyone in power - so you gotta learn the trick of balancing Share The Power, Drain Power and Call Of The Valar to ensure the group's blue bars are healthy and full :)


One is not Amused
Get your guardian to lvl 15 m8 get heavy armour and heavy sheild. You will then have ......

"The best defensive tank in any game I have ever played".
Fanforran Guardian LOTR (TM)

Once your 15 with the stuff i can make you, mobs wont be able to scratch you at all . Ask Chick hes got an uber guardian :)


Rogue Chimp
Im only casually playing but yes, the plan is to take both guardian and Champ to 20 and see how things pan out :)


Ranger of the North
From beta and the same now I've found stacking vit at the lower to mid lvls is the way to go. Might, Armor etc has very low returns at 15. My armour went from less than a 100 to 450ish at 15 and the difference is negligable at that level.

I've personally found stacking vit and getting block and parry as high as poss on a Guardian is the most important for quite a while. Mitigation makes much more of a difference later on when you are getting hit for 300-500.