Chaos Battle Standard Bearer


PVC Love God
I was very glad to finish this model as it was one that just wouldn't come together while it was being painted, in the end the figure isn't my best work by any means but it is tabletop ready. It's a fairly straightforward conversion of the metal Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount. More pictures and a write-up are here.





Rogue Chimp
Not one of yor best! That would be a major proud addition to my table any time. Nice work!

BTW Req: Everyone at the club who see's Belial just stand there with mouths open going WoW!!


PVC Love God
Not one of yor best! That would be a major proud addition to my table any time. Nice work!

BTW Req: Everyone at the club who see's Belial just stand there with mouths open going WoW!!

I was going to ask how he'd been doing both on and off the battlefield. You'll have to post up a batrep at some point.


Rogue Chimp
He hasnt really featured in game yet. im planning on running DA / DQW in a club tourney were having so ill post some batreps from that as they happen.