

Full Member
It's a bit of allright isn't it, well the single player is at least, nice action nice weapons well thought out it seems (from my PoV that not hard).

Giving the single player a 8\10 I assume the multiplayer will be all kinds of fun, not got to that yet


Full of PvP Goodness
Multi player is nice but you have to gain levels to unlock weapons.

55 levels to do + there are challenges along the way, all give XP as does Killing to help you along
The server I spend most of my time dying on is
Tactical realism HC server, S&D.

I run it through Steam, so you can see when I'm playing via that.


Play a fair bit with mates, tend to hijack the Grumpy Gits server at:

Server is HC, mixed modes with 10sec~ respawn timer


T-shirt Ninja Pwns j00 411
I may be being thick here, but why is punkbuster kicking me for "no packet flow"....

Do I need to hassle my router with some new settings?


f00l Mebmer
Yeah make sure its not being blocked by Firewalls. Punkbuster is the comms program and does the handshakes, you should bave PunkA and PunkB running at all times and allowed to pass any security you have.


T-shirt Ninja Pwns j00 411
Anyone got the ports I need to have open to hand, or do I have to go searching :-/ ?


Doggin' at a spot near you
hehehe just moved house and already have it on the 360, but slow but deadly, just like my wind :D