

With the Benedictine monks.

You can get clip-on paks for the gheycube controllers that have fans in em too.
>sob< i have NO internet access at work - i found that in my own spare time >sob<

Kegs - u say you found one for the gamecube? lookin for a pressie for me sis - saw the ps2 ones - linky pliz if you seen gamecube one.

or suggestions for what to get. she likes gamecube, fast cars, n flower arranging. a peculiar mix i know...
further to above & after a few emails hunting em down-

cannot currently get Gamecube version in this country atm (and america won't ship to here) but THESE PEOPLE are their official suppliers.

from a few reviews supposedly PC and PS2 ones are relatively sh!te - but Gamecube one is the Mutt's Nuts.

Will be available over here later in the year - so looks like lil sis will have to have it as xmas not burfday pressie

I'm still tempted to get myself a mouse-one; though don't really think you'd get the same benefit from a mouse as gamecontroller
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