D3 Necromancer - thoughts


Full Member
Just wondered if everyone else is having as much fun with the new Necromancer. AoE damage is amazing and is different enough from the Witchdoctor to make both classes enjoyable.


Max Rincewind(eq)Caramon(wow)
Done my season 4 part 4 quests for the armour set, currently melting torment 5's :)

As soon as you get your armor set you can wreck with skelly mages :)


Full Member
I used to love the necromancers set from D2 Tal Rashas set I think it was which completely changed your appearance pity there isn't anything like it in D3.


Max Rincewind(eq)Caramon(wow)
One thing I have had trouble with is the lag, it could be my lads on the switch though so who knows :)