
Rogue Chimp
comments here: http://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60103

ill paraphrase

there were three types of PVP operational: Tavern Brawling, Death Match, and Capture the Flag. All were located in the Phoenix Tavern for the demo with tavern brawling on the ground floor, and the other two accusable via an NPC in the tavern.

Tavern Brawling: This was very simple, you just jump or walk down into the lower level and you can start attacking anyone and everyone else down there. When you died you could instantly re-res in place at full life and mana to continue fighting. There was no score keeping or anything else, just swords and spells flying like mad.

Death Match: This took place in a small arena like zone with various ramps obstacles and the like. Teams are formed outside the arena and when enough players have assembled the match begins with two teams. Each team�s kills are recorded and when one team reaches 11 kills they are flagged as the victors.

Capture the Flag: I didn�t play in this and only watched a bit of it, but it appeared similar to most Capture the Flag type games where you grab the enemy flag and return it to a designated base area. One of the interesting features of this arena was a kind of jumping portal that would catapult you to your base area, or into a moat if you missed. And of course you could recover the flag by killing the carrier.

Overall impression

Any of you who are envisioning DDO PVP as being like WOW or EQ or almost any other traditionally MMO need to re-envision. It played nothing like that. What it was really closest too was an FPS like Unreal Tournament or Quake. Kills are quick and fairly frequent with people doing a good deal of running about, trying to dodge spells or ambush unsuspecting opponents. When you die you almost instantly re-spawn at full health and mana, ready to take revenge on whomever put you down.

It was fun in much the same way FPS multi player games are fun. But of course DDO has a pretty wide range of weapons and classes to play around with. I think it could well be a popular way to spend some time testing out your characters abilities or honing your skills. Even those who aren�t into the heavy competition (like myself) may well enjoy the good old fashioned mayhem and quick paced action.