Events ?


Mrs. Scudley
Yeah, should try get you sillies cracking on Zilart missions...

Innit, Morg and Sliv you're all rank 6 and have seen the start cutscenes in Norg right? Doesn't take long to go do the ZM4 Tonberry fight.


aye me and sliv are both ready for zm's.

hes back up here atm tho so appart from tonite as he's here now it will be after i come back from my holliday before were both online at the same time.

oh also got a unlit lantern from the o-hat run the other day :)


Mrs. Scudley
Cool, post here or scream at us in game or something when yer both back Morg/Sliv and we'll get ZMs out of the way and you sillies to Sky. Those missions can be ran through in one (long) evening really these days. :)
Me and Scuds got unlit lanterns as well.