famous last words...


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inspired by a thread on the blizzard boards of the same name, thought i'd start us one :)
basically, amusing stories of death's and party wipes :p

guilds first ZG trip, at spider boss, on the ramp up to spider area...
i'm taking a look around with eye of kilrogg....
raid leader: "Tieg, what you doing with that eye thing?"
me: "Just looking at the boss, dont worry - it wont agro the rest of us even if its spotted"
raid leader: "Spiders spawned? wtf does it mean spiders spawned?"
me: "they just killed the eye, dont worry they wont agro." overlayed with several people going "why am i in combat?" and "wtf did you do this time tieg?"
me: "oh shit, there they are... these bosses are different to normal bosses..."

a bit later, the next day i think, at the bat boss.
random raid member: "what the fuck? she summons infernals too?"
me: "erm...yeah...something like that"

me: "ah, immune to banish..."
(voidywalkers in ZG)

me: "OK, we need to CoS them then enslave to make sure we get full enslave duration"
*me and the other warlock CoS them, and get pounded*
me: "course, the problem with that is, *we* pull the agro from all 4, rather than just the imps pulling agro...."
(our next try on the imps in ZG)

me: "OK brego, distract them for a second for us" (brego's our main tank)
*brego heads in to distract them*
Brego: "Tank down! Tank down!"
me: "well thats much too soon..."
(our *next* try on the imps in ZG :p)

believe it or not, we've actually got the a tactic for them sorted now. it actually involves a mage pulling... :p (iceblock ftw ;))

and the ever popular ones:
"you know soulstones still on cooldown, right?"
"now, whered that mob die... ahh crap, why am i in combat still?"


Full Member
In Uldaman as the Druid in pure healer mode the group were fighting a dwarf boss and a couple of his minions - the fight was going fine so I decided to open a chest I was standing near - unforunantly this chest was for a quest (something about collecting 3 gems in uldaman?) and opening it spawned in about 4 extra dwarfs which killed the party.

On beta my Mage used ice storm (or whatever it's called) on the Boat in the deadmines and it agro the Captain on the floor above - everyone dead :p


Full Member
Not sure if it ever caused a wipe, but all i will say is if instancing with Ommy and he's on his rogue, if you need to use Sap to CC .. make sure he doesnt have to pass within 200 feet of a fire as he stealths towards them.


Stupid is as stupid does
It was on Teamspeak, but we were doing DM Tribute and the last words where "TOM, LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING FFS..... too late" /wipe.

All too regular words tbh along with "HEAL FFS!" :p


Full Member
oh yeh, mine were all over ventrillo. like i'd have time to type that lot while i'm causing another wipe :p


Full Member
Some of my *cough* best ones

Me "Are you sure you want a fear"
Someone (which later turns out to be chick) Yes
*casts howl of terror*
Everyone - Merly wtf are you doing
Me "well someone asked for it, so I did it"

UBRS at the general
Me "Just getting in range to cast fear..oh bugger" *as generals guard comes trundling towards me*

but my best moment to date (which didn't involve a wipe) involved the bridge to the generals room in UBRS, me testing the bouncability of a gnome, bouncing left and right manages to launch myself off the left hand side of the bridge and jump all the way down into LBRS and survive, only having to kill myself so I could get out cause there were no other locks and the priests couldn't target me even when dead *sigh*


Full Member
i love that bridge. 3 of my funniest moments have happened there. first was much like yours - someone bouncing around the place fell off. immediately after that, someone (who had made comments about the guy being so stupid to fall off) managed to either get knocked off or fall off in the next fight :p
my all time best though, was a hunter being cruel to his pet, trying to get it to land in the lava... eye's of the beast wore off, and he charged straight off as he was moving his pet forwards at the time :D
Think my favourite was "so don't attack him until everyone's inside".

Was at the end of a very silly dstrat run. Muppet of a warrior had been body pulling, tanking with a 2-hander in berserk stance, pulling 5 secs after being ressed, at 20% health while other people were still dead, etc etc.

I think you can guess what happened, if you've done Dark Stratholme. Was only marred by me being so surprised that I missed getting a perfect screenshot of him disappearing, all alone, behind two large closing doors. :D


I remember doing the alliance raid on Ogri some time ago and as we were all getting together outside Grom with the usual 'let's wait until everyone's ready' going on, some muppet decieds to run headlong into the guards with no support.

It may even have been the same muppet that subsequently charged headlong into Ogri pulling most of the guards in the first area (bank/AH/etc) and ultimately wiped out the raid.

Who was that muppet?


Of course.


Full Member
Don't forget, Dart was the warrior who charged the Baron in Strath one time - shame everyone else was still outsid. Boom the gate comes down, Boom the Dart is dead.


Dead Again, I need a Rez
Ahh yes Strath, Tai said "everyone ready to move in" everyone "yep"
I charge, gates come down leaving half the group outside. Tai was so pissed and i felt so bad as i messed it all up

As for the Grom'gol everyone was just standing around, so i charged. I didnt charge Org though

My moments would have to be in LBRS and the many holes. end up falling down not dieing. Then run all the way back and join in the next fight.


Full Member
I wouldnt feel bad teh Dart, its stuff like that makes games fun, not anally doing everything by pre worked at strats. Leeeeeroy4life.


Stupid is as stupid does
Tai being pissed at someone screwing up in an instance. That SO doesn't suprise me. Personally I would have been laughing my arse off :p


Full Member
me too :p
the amount of times that we're all just laughing over vent while the group dies is ridiculous :p
i remember one time, our main tank managed to fall off somewhere... not normally too bad, but all the mobs kept agro on him, chased him, gathered up half the instance on the way, and then brought that lot back too :D was brilliant tbh. sadly, we've lost that MT now, as he's moved back to NZ and cant play at sensible times for us :(


Tribal Matriarch dude
Do these have to be WoW?
The one that really STILL makes me laugh my head off was MarkS in D2...
Running his level 1 (and one of my mules)up through NM to get to Hell hellforge(HC), having already got him through normal.
End of act 2, I open the chamber using the staff and then say "ready?", knowing that I have to go down first, but Duriel won't last long, I want him there waiting to use the entrance as soon as my sorc has gone down.
"Rarrrrrrrrrrrr" says Mark.(he usually typed something testosterone inspired while I was doing the killing)
Snr (controlling my level 1 and standing by) "WTF"
MarkS was killed by Duriel
He had run straight down the TP and down through into Duriels chamber without noticing we were still there!


Tribal Matriarch dude
Zeus said:
me too :p
the amount of times that we're all just laughing over vent while the group dies is ridiculous :p
i remember one time, our main tank managed to fall off somewhere... not normally too bad, but all the mobs kept agro on him, chased him, gathered up half the instance on the way, and then brought that lot back too :D was brilliant tbh. sadly, we've lost that MT now, as he's moved back to NZ and cant play at sensible times for us :(
That reminds me of the first time through Ragefire with Snrs mage..
"I can hit that one from here, watch" (fires at the trogg by the lava about 45 yards down a cliff) Pulls every damn trogg in the instance, total wipe... then when Sabriye was at level 45 he was helping one of jnrs lowbies through it and tried again "I can pwn these this time, watch me", wiped the party that time too!