
The Burninator
Got the email but was unable to access the client download page last night/this morning, i'll try again tonight but not holding out much hope


Cartwheel RIGHT
I've rolled a Marauder on the Cerberus Server. Named "Mago Fin" for no good reason.
Come join the party.
(Though I'm not likely to be on until much later this evening)
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The Burninator
I'm a Blue Haired Cat-girl on Cerberus too, Fluxburnn Explosivo, will probably re-roll for early access though


Not grumpy
In open beta but not playing other than to answer a few questions i have. Im very excited about this as i played the original FFXIV and that sucked harder than the bastard child from the union of a Dyson and a Henry.

Aleatoryuk will also be playing on the early access. What with there not being any usual forums i cant decide which server. Looked at Odin and Cerberus. Guess ill be looking for a guild but as I'm no longer a hardcore raider, despite my wishes i still have no idea where to go.


Cartwheel RIGHT
Come Join Cerberus. Shiva is an unofficial Euro server and the home of Germany's RP community :facepalm:
I'm in the process of hunting a "mature friendly casual but competent" FC / LS. Will make sure they accept everyone :) The old "multiple linkshells" thing works too so CUK linkshell will not affect a Raiding Group.

Got to 18 over the weekend. It's great.
Then i Mined / armored. It's horrible.
Like, worse than Eve mining. Kill me now :p


Not grumpy
Whats wrong with Eve mining, I distinctly remember mining with Corwin and basically all he did was sit back and chat while the drones mined.

Actually, that's why i stopped Eve, - not because of Corwin ;) but 4 hours mining for 30 mins of fun doing something else.

I never got to try the gathering in any FF game but in this i want to concentrate on blacksmithing and armouring so i guess i better learn to love mining.

Whats the difference between a linkshell and a free company?

Am i correct in thinking Grand Companies are basically the factions?

I was trying to find which was the unofficial UK server hence trying to find forums.


Cartwheel RIGHT
As far as I can see, you can be a member of a number (10?) of Linkshells so they are almost like private chat channels. Free Companies are your Guilds of which you can only be a member of one.

Grand companies are indeed factions.

Blacksmithing and Armoursmithing are indeed fed mats from Mining. I got mining and Armour up to 10 before the servers went down which only took an hour or two + some RSI.

Started leveling Gladiator too to get out of the starting areas for next weekend. HI am hoping to be close to "Warrior" job by the time the jobs are officially launched.


The Burninator
Got Lancer to 15, loved it, got Leatherworking to 11, wasn't too bad, got a bit of stuff killing, but could buy everything else so didn't really have a gather aspect to it


Not grumpy
I'm having a blast. Its not groundbreaking but i'm enjoying it immensely. Got a Gladiator who will soon be a Paladin but have had a go at all jobs so far.

His highest level is in Mining then Armourer but that is getting slower obviously as i progress.

Just tanked my first 2 instances last night and hope i didn't suck too much, Angelissa is an agro bunny but what else is new.

As i had gotten the CE version on 1.0 release got all the goodies for this without actually having to buy the game in the end.


Full Member
Is it worth picking up or waiting a while? I've heard the servers are struggling at the minute and people can't login.


The Nice Chimp
how would one find out his old ff info, i remember playing the game but no idea what my details were


Cartwheel RIGHT
What's it like now it's released? Worth getting?

The further into the game I'm getting, the more I like it. Mechanics wise the first 20 levels and the first few dungeons are simple "This is how you tank / avoid AoE / heal / Hit targets / Perform combos" stuff which eventually gets very irritating. Especially due to the "Main Quest instances".

It's a very story driven MMO, but here is it's largest weakens as the story si pretty opaque, tends to ramble and drivel on and on and on about stuff without ever really seeming to go anywhere. Most of your a significant proportion of your XP will come from "main quest-line" related things from camps dotted around the countryside, and these eventally focus down to a single instance you need to complete before advancing. There is a cross-server "Duty Finder" that makes finding groups easier, but DPS classes can still be queued for up to an Hour to get anywhere. As a tank i don't queue though so it's swings and roundabouts.

Aside from that though, it's damn fun. The UI has a few quirks but it's far more polished, and fre flowing than anything published recently. In the mid 20's your class skilsl start to open out to give you more tactical choices during gameplay, and the ability to cross-class (albeit with quite a grind) gives optional additional skills you can use - eg my Marauder uses the Guardian AoE threat skill and some protection cooldowns to make it invulnerable.

Combat is very stylized, but feels fluid, beautifully animated and has decent sounds attached (bad sounds annoy me immensely). It's relatively cartoony, but it IS FF.

all in, it's a 'Rather Good' MMO with the potential to be excellent.

*IF* you can get in.

There is a huge maintenance tonight where they are allegedly adding more capacity, worlds, updating "stuff" etc as currently at primetime 7pm -> 11 you can be stuck unable to login for hours.


Full Member
I managed to get in yesterday and put 11 levels into my character. I was underwhelmed to be honest - questing is frankly boring, I know quests in MMO are by default pretty bland, but this is a whole new level of dull, nothing other than 'Kill X' over and over, and no attempt at trying to make the quests even interesting in the writing.
There is no loot!!! Am I missing something here? 11 levels gained, probably well over 200 monsters killed and no loot - well ok I've picked up the odd crafting item - but no weapons or armour or anything remotely interesting, also there doesnt seem to be anything in the world to find loot in, are there any chests for example?
Fates are just spam fests and nowhere near as interesting as public quests were in GW2.

I need to try a dungeon and start crafting next time it lets me on, to see how they work.


Full Member
I reached level 21 - and i'm finding it a deeply joyless experience. It's such an tedious game, their is no danger at all. Does anyone actually die on this game? I've put 16 hours into it and there has been no point where I've even come close to a death, and most of the time i'm playing on autopilot now. The two dungeons I've seen were a piece of piss, so much so the second one we completed a person down after someone quit. There doesn't seem anything remotely interesting in the world, there is nothing to find exploring (not that there is much to explore). Gathering skills are a total grind, quests remain as easy as ever, God forbid you might actually have to engage your brain to complete a task...
Awful game.


Rogue Chimp
trying to find a copy. Fancy having a dabble. Do you need to pay a monthly subscription though?