For Swither: My interface


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pfft, what is it with you people and neat tidy UIs? i'll have to show you mine some time!


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To be honest, I prefer the standard UI, with the 2 rows of icons on the base and the 2 rows on the right vertical.
I did add the fubar top row stuff though as it is handy.

Couldn't see the point of all that stuff on my standard bars...maybe better for when u run out of room?

Liked the bartender shrink icon bit though, so might dabble with that another night.


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In combat,

Combat Display shows my health on the left of my char, targets on the right of me, Cryo's spell timers on the top between the target window and the buff window (shows fireball and frostbolt timers)

Will try and find a place I can upload the UI to today so people can nab bits they might like/want.

As ever my UI I've fiddled and played with to get just the look I want, like I turned off the 3d frames in perl, made it a more basic display, zoomed the icons in bartender (all done in the config screens within the game). And on for example Gottaa I do have 2 bars on the right of the screen from bartender but I've yet to need the extra icons for my other chars

Oh and I will move the Cryo timers to between my and the mobs health, but with so many chars and such little time it's good enough at the mo ;)
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Hernes Son
Not found a need for the cryo timers, I know when my spells etc ae ready to recast. There dont seem to be combat timers in x-perl frames, theve lost them to streamlining it seems. Gotta what is the fubar icon with the little shield?

Oh and if you want to streamline a bit more, Bagfu lets you open all your bags with one click and can be set to open them when you go in to the bank etc - saves having to have them as icons, I find.

I would really like an addon to show in front of me when my energy has reset enough to hit Sinister Strike, or Eviscerate or riposte etc - anything energy dependant. There is an option to do this in Blizz settings but its not showing Sinister Strike. I want it so I dont have to keep looking down in pvp at the buttons and to stop wildly mashing the 2 button, which is where Sinister Strike resides in my UI.


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I don't use any interface addons, but I must confess I love the damage meters - They make instance much more exciting trying to top them! I also find you can pull some useful info from them as well.


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I tried BagFu, found it actually more confusing as I keep my first bag and a half pretty static with bits so I know where new stuff is and BagFu mixes it all up in a way I found more confusing :/

The Shield Icon is SpamSentry, a must if you spend time where gold sellers are spamming there wares.

The Cryo timers I find useful so I know when sheep is running out (and it makes the baaaahhh noise when it does) and when my slows are fading from them so I can reapply if I want to

And TopScoreFu is my favourate mod now so I know my best crit/normal special attack, that's all I want from combat, DPS is so unreliable, specially regarding heals


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Download Link for my UI

If you want to use the Perl one with the combat display I think you'll need all the perl_ addons and couldn't just get the combat display one. Though there are loads of HUD one's for combat displays, most though I find too big, to ugly (don't like the curved bars which seem all the rage around your character) or don't show all the info I want


Full Member
And TopScoreFu is my favourate mod now so I know my best crit/normal special attack, that's all I want from combat, DPS is so unreliable, specially regarding heals

Does it take note of the buffs on you and the debuffs on the baddie?


Full Member
Nope, just max critical and max normal, it does note the mobs name, level and location (I think location anyway). I think that's enough though, DPS meters don't take that into account either though, if you debuff a mob right and use nice potions or buffs it still makes the max figure valid I think, worrying about current buffs and debuffs though is more than I'd want from it, wouldn't be hard to log more information but don't see a need.

Ohhh what was the addon someone said though for logging normal attack or critical (i.e non special), I'd like to add that so I can see my max on everything :)

Maybe I'd like DPS meters more if I played a rogue, but as a warlock or druid I found them depressing ;) (yet to play my mage in a group)


Full Member
gottaa, i used to use Critline for that, don't know if it still works ago, as that was like a year ago or something.

as regards damage meters...
Recount is an awesome one. Use it so much in raids. not so much for the actual damage meters for players part though. more to be able to look at it and be able to work out which of the enemies hits hardest, and thus which tank it should have on it. or be able to say "ah yes, here's what went wrong - does that tank even know what shield block is? look at all those crushings!", for example.


Full Member
As a Feral Druid I like to see the Damage Taken stat (from the damage meters) when I'm supposed to be bear tanking, I'm happy if I can get above 60% and the Healer is less than 5%. When i'm DPS pussycat I try to get around 30% damage (if there is lots of AoE it can drop alot lower if there is a bloody mage or warlock in the party :p)

That's on 5 persons Pick Up Groups in the outlands currently.
I really love the Caverns of Time instances so far, they are really well made seeing Stalven and the SM bosses in Southshore is a nice. However the alchedon (spelling completely off there, Mana Tombs, Crypts, Halls etc) are awful!
Yeah, I haven't found the need to move my buttons around yet. I just use the vanilla UI with a handful of meter and timer mods.

SW_Stats, green bars on right (damage meter like Recount, which stores the entire combat log, and tallys it all up with a breakdown of damage done, taken, healing, spells cast, etc etc.)
Omen, to the left of SW_Stats (threat meter, takes into acount proximity threat, and copes with target switching fairly well)
Ora2 tank windows next to that, shows Tank, then Target, then Target's Target. Allows you to see who the mobs are attacking, as well as keep tabs on the tanks and the mobs themselves.
You can see VE wearing off on the far left, that's erm... DoTimer I think. Not sure. :D

The bars on the top and bottom are Titan Bars, which is a framework for a bunch of other mods made specifically to work with it. Bag space, Durability, DPS, TPS, etc can be shown on there. Mine's quite stripped down.

Thought I'd use a shot of me having a dirt-nap, for old time's sake.


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Actually, that's not such a good example of Omen, as the boss's doing something weird at that moment, which causes Omen to flip out for a moment :p


Hernes Son
Went with Fubar as Titan bar isnt being supported anymore, or so I read. Still cant find a decent rogue mod that does exactly what I want. God Tom your screen is cluttered :)

I loaded in bartender and x-perl unit frames on the rogue and found that while it all works very well for the mage, it was all pants with rougey, so took it all back off and using bliz interface, fubar and gatherer and enchantrix.