Forthcoming important heritage quest changes (Update #6)


New member
These are among some of the changes have been put onto the test server as part of Test Update #6 (the test version of the forthcoming Live Update #6 megapatch):

- Shroud of the Manastone now requires a Glimmering Tooth instead of an Engraved Hide Plate, and also needs an Etched Hide Plate.

- The Stein of Moggok will now require a Glimmering Stone instead of a Faceted Opal.

- The Polished Granite Tomahawk will now require a Sparkling Flower instead of a Fir Stave.

- The recipe for the Dull Tomahawk now requires an Ash Stave.

A full list of current Test Update #6 changes can be found here


Trial Member
I'm trying to work out if this is a good thing or not.
Are these glimmering doodahs more or less rare than the other bits?

I kind of have 2 opals in my bank, saving 1 for Stein and 1 for some spell upgrade, but it would appear that their value also is about to fall sharply?


New member
The Glowing/Glimmering/Sparkling/Luminous items are classed as "semi-rare", but are (much) easier to find that the true rare harvest items such as ebon, opal, etc.

Yes, values for Opal, High Quality pelts and Fir will drop somewhat after this patch goes live. This isn't a bad thing though as they were held artifically high in comparision to other rare items of their tiers, purely because of their use in heritage quests.


Full Member
And you can always use the opals for a spell/art adept 3 upgrade anyway, so they're not wasted


Trial Member
Well after our NC jaunt I now have 2 opals, plus the 1 I leant to Babs if she hasn't used it to make her Stein.

They could come in useful some day.